Among Us Wiki TasksPolusImpostorSabotageBlueEmergency meetingYellowEjectionReactor MeltdownGray AbdoMSG·12/10/2022in General Why do imposters.. sucide ? They win if a heli crashed into the airship they are on, blew up the spaceship or the building floor by causing a reactor meltdown, and wh...
I spent 1 year in the fandom, 1 minute in this wiki, 4 years in Among Us. Weird EvyReturns20·2din Art My drawing of the Impostor Impostor SPRUNKISPRUNKI·4din Concepts/Ideas My Ideas! (Roles) The Sheriff - Crewmate I'm not saying it because you already know ...
Among Us is a multiplayer social deduction game, designed by InnerSloth and available on Steam, mobile and Nintendo Switch, where up to ten players must complete basic ship maintenance in order to win. However, up to three of those ten players will be “Imposters:” traitors working in tande...
PCGamingWiki Contents [e] macOS Compatibility Availability AmongKey Notes References macOS Compatibility • Link MethodRatingNotes iOS/iPadOS App Perfect Game has no keyboard controls, instead use #AmongKey. Compatibility layer CrossOver Playable When da imposter is sus. runs very sussyly(bad). ...
(西语)Streamers的骂人用词和程度都堪称一绝,西语里骂人很有艺术,用词众多,花样纷繁,最近看Among Us的视频都为我的词库添砖加瓦了。虽然我并没有玩过很多局Among Us,但是也有遇到过hispanohablantes(说西班牙语的人)在游戏结束后大骂imposter的,我一度怀疑是不是遇到了streamer....
Team: ImpostersThe Miner is an Impostor that can create new vents. These vents only connect to each other, forming a new passway. You can configure when the vents become active after being placed.\Game OptionsNameDescriptionValid Value Mine Cooldown How long you have to wait between uses 10...
Pursuer: Can't win with other teams except Imposters Undertaker: add the option of increase speed Jackal: Add with a option that Imposters can see if their teammates get turned to Sidekick Bug Fixes Swapper: Fix the that Swapper can't fix Sabotages ...
All The Roles is a mod for Among Us which adds many new Roles, new Game Modes, new Map Settings, new Colours and new Custom Hats & Visors to the game.
(双字)【Among us logic】内奸之王The King Imposter(Gametoons) 1.6万观看 75弹幕 不一定是最好的,但一定是最用心的版本。 以下内容是关于翻译过程中的一些积累,还有一些梗的讲解。不得不说,在没有语言环境的情况下,想要互相理解真的很难。(当然本质还是我菜) ...
When it came to tasks I spent a ton of time on them. First because they are a blast to brainstorm and create. Next, because I knew this, besides the imposters and “killing”, tasks were the thing that was really going to make the game awesome. I dove into theAmong Us Wiki | Fa...