The novelty with Among Us is that you don't know who the traitor is so it becomes a game of wits as much as action. Like a parlour game, you must implicate other players in any killing or sabotage to deflect suspicion from yourself. The crew can vote to eject suspicious players. Being...
These meetings are group chat where accusations fly. And then, so does the body of the accused, if a majority votes to eject a player. A little animated board game in space Distrust, fear, and deception along with some deductive detective guesswork and psychology all combine for a surprisingl...
Background Children’s initiation of early sex has several negative implications on their sexual and reproductive health, growth and development. In Ghana, few studies on early sexual debut have focused on adolescents. Therefore, this study examined the prevalence, causes, correlates and effects of ...
Here are 150 funny Among Us names. Cyanide IWasntThere NotTheImpostor GhostyMcGhost Dr. Sus CyanSus VentingVince SpacemanSpiff TooFast4You DidntDoIt DefinitelyHuman ThirdImpostor RedHanded AlwaysCrewmate BackStabber RedHerring WhoMe? IAmInnocent TrustNoOne NotMeISwear ItsAlwaysMe EmergencyMeet Eject...