《Among Us》于2018年首次推出,并在2020年经历了人气的大幅增长。开发商Innersloth也定期推出内容更新,以保持游戏的新鲜度和可玩性。近日Innersloth近日公布了游戏的2024年更新路线图,其中承诺将推出新角色、大厅调整、更多时装以及其他一些细节。 早在几年前,《Among Us》就加入了一系列新角色:工程师、科学家、守护天...
这是一场来自Party Game的奇迹。早在2018年,《Among Us》首次亮相并没有太多人关注,而随着今年疫情的影响,大部分玩家困于家中无法在线下进行集会,狼人杀、剧本杀、跑团等社交游戏更是非分之想。 在油管主播们的“开发”下,无意相中了《Among Us》这款“太空狼人杀”,轻松的玩法和可爱的画风让这款蛰伏两年的游...
Buy Among Us for PS4 & PS5. Use teamwork, persuasion and maybe even betrayal in this unique online party game... in space!
Among Usis a freemultiplayervideogamethat bands four to 15 players together against theImpostor(s), bent on killing the rest of the crew before they’re outed. It’s free-to-play on Android and makes for agreat party game. You canplay with people onlineor via local Wi-Fi. Developed by...
恐怕很多人都没有想到,2023年游戏圈的爆款话题会始于一款Party Game。没错,还是那个去年底就因中国游戏主播带货而屡创Steam在线人数新高的《鹅鸭杀》。 1月2日,《鹅鸭杀》的Steam在线峰值人数正式突破47.5万人,不仅再度刷新了自身的纪录,也一举超越前辈《糖豆人大作战》和《Among Us》,成为Steam有史以来峰值在线人数...
恐怕很多人都没有想到,2023年游戏圈的爆款话题会始于一款Party Game。没错,还是那个去年底就因中国游戏主播带货而屡创Steam在线人数新高的《鹅鸭杀》。 1月2日,《鹅鸭杀》的Steam在线峰值人数正式突破47.5万人,不仅再度刷新了自身的纪录,也一举超越前辈《糖豆人大作战》和《Among Us》,成为Steam有史以来峰值在线人数...
This game supports:Online PlaySave Data Cloud Super Mario Party™ Jamboree 10/17/24 Regular Price:$59.99 Nintendo Switch Bob Help Them 3/11/21 Sale ends:13 days Current Price:$1.99 Regular Price:$7.99 -75% Nintendo Switch Classic Logical Bundle (4in1) ...
Among Us is a deception-based party game that has exploded in popularity in the last couple months. That's partially thanks to streamers broadcasting it over Twitch, but also due to its relative accessibility (with easy crossplay support) and social elements, making it the perfect game to ...
In-Game Purchases, Users Interact Add-Ons Virtual Currency110 Stars $9.99 Virtual Currency20 Stars $1.99 Virtual Currency300 Stars $24.99 Virtual Currency30 Stars (PS5/US) $2.99 Virtual Currency50 Stars $4.99 Ratings Among Us Global player ratings ...
This page offers free online games based on Among Us, a popular multiplayer PC/mobile game developed by InnerSloth.