Thank you! Contributing Fork it ( Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/fooBar) Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some fooBar') Push to the branch (git push origin feature/fooBar) Create a new Pull Request...
🔓Unlock Among Us: cosmetics, account, chat and more!🎉 among-usamongusamong-us-cheatamong-us-modsamong-us-modamongusmodsamongusmodamong-us-hackamong-us-scriptamongushackamonguscheatamong-us-menuamongusunlock UpdatedSep 7, 2024 C#
If you have any bugs or any need to contact me, join the Discord Server or create a ticket on GitHub.Credits & ResourcesReactor - The framework of the mod BepInEx - For hooking game functions Among-Us-Sheriff-Mod - For the Sheriff role. Among-Us-Love-Couple-Mod - For the inspiration...
Mod地址: 最新版v2.8.1 (2021年6月30日更新)下载地址: 本专栏内容为个人翻译的Mod说明文档当中的新添加职务说明部分,与Among Us官方及Mod作者没有任何关系,且由于B站专栏只能编辑...
Hi Brian. You are welcome. The SMALL part of the formula would extend like in above formula. The other parts have to be adapted accordingly. Replies sorted byNewest OliverScheurich Gold Contributor Sep 15, 2023 Brian_Chan1998 =IF(MAX(FREQUENCY(IF(C3:K3>=18,COLUMN(C3:K3)),IF...
To launch Among Us with the mod installed, players will need to enter the Vigilante Mod folder they created and select AmongUs.exe. This will open the game with the Vigilante role available. Lobby hosts are also able to set the visibility of the Vigilante in the game settings menu while ...
Among Us支持版本:2020.6.12 更新状况:断更 5.Cursed-Among-Us GitHub仓库 ( 点这 ) 最新版本:v1.1.0 Among Us支持版本:2021.6.30 更新状况:断更 官方网站(点这) GameMOD游戏模式 Slenderman 瘦长鬼影 Zombies 僵尸 Cops & Robbers 警察抓小偷 Jester 小丑 Troll 小鬼 Detective 侦探 50-50 ...
For the Microsoft Store edition, use Make sure you followed the installation guide precisely. This is what your Among Us folder should look like after a successful installation: Some antiviruses might cause issues when installing the mod, so consider temporarily deact...
Hope someone can help to solve this Issue. Thanks a lot!! OliverScheurichto Brian_Chan1998 Sep 16, 2023 Brian_Chan1998 =IF(MAX(FREQUENCY(IF(C3:AM3>=18,COLUMN(C3:AM3)), IF(C3:AM3<18,COLUMN(C3:AM3)))>=4,MAX(INDEX($C$1:$AM$1, SMALL...