l=tchinese,下载Steam,或者进入这个网址:https://www.epicgames.com/help/zh-CN/?lang=zh-CN,下载Epic,视频评论区会把网址给放出来,首先登陆免费账号和密码,进入Steam,下载Among Us,让后点击设置(一个小齿轮)点击浏览本地文件,登录QQ,进入我的QQ群(目前还在测试),下载MOD(模组),然后进入Steam&Epic,点击开始游...
13. Finally, launch Among Us.exe from that folder. A first launch may take up to 5 minutes, so be patient if it doesn't launch immediately.Installation Guide (Epic Games)1. Download the Town of Us version corresponding to the installed Among Us version. 2. Go to your Epic Games librar...
为了拉近和年轻人的关系,她曾在Twitch上直播《Among Us》,作为一款狼人杀游戏非常适合朋友们一起玩,她...
活动时间:2021.6.3 23:00结束 领取地址:https://www.epicgames.com/store/zh-CN/p/among-us ...
《Among Us》是由Innersloth制作并发行的一款类狼人杀游戏,3DM为大家带来详细的流程攻略,专业的汉化补丁,完善的修改器和超多有游戏MOD等辅助工具。致力于给玩家一个良好的游戏环境,最佳的游戏体验。
1.Downloadthe Town of Us version corresponding to the installed Among Us version. 2. Go to your Epic Games library. 3. Find Among Us and click on the 3 dots...> clickUninstall. 4. Confirm you want to Uninstall Among Us. 5. In the Epic library, click on Among Us to install. ...
About this mod Reshade preset for The Wolf Among Us and bring for more proxy for new generation of games. it is just use best shaders availables for give best enchanted graphics for you !!. Share Permissions and credits Donations Reshade preset for The Wolf Among Us for enhance this...
Now unzip and drag or extract the files from the .zip into the original Epic Among Us game folder. Run the game by starting the game in your Epic Games launcher (the first launch might take a while).Not working? You might want to install the dependency vc_redist.Linux...
Take The Stanley Parable, which started life as a Half-Life 2 mod, or Enderal sweeping up the Best Fan Creation award at the 2016 Game Awards. So, this got us thinking… what other stories are out there? How many go from modding texture packs to designing environments for AAA games?
Ottomated说:" 'Among Us'原本是一款为陌生人之间设计的手机游戏,而近程语音将其变成了一款为朋友之间设计的游戏。这是一个人们早已有的想法,通过在会议中使用Discord通话,让它更流畅地集成到游戏中,功能让大多数人感兴趣的。" 社交推理游戏并不新鲜。PC沙箱游戏《Garry's Mod》中就有非常受欢迎的 " Trouble in...