Compatibility with the new Among Us version v2023.2.28 New Setting: Who can see dead players on admin (under Spy) Bug Fix: Transporter and Glitch get everyone alive on their transport/mimic menus Bug Fix: Undertaker can no longer drag bodies to unreportable positions Bug Fix: Players ...
13. Finally, launch Among Us.exe from that folder. A first launch may take up to 5 minutes, so be patient if it doesn't launch immediately. If the mod does not work and the version of Among Us that you see in the main menu, under the town of us logo or bottom left, does not...
The mod adds a few new settings to Among Us (in addition to the role settings):Streamer Mode: You can activate the streamer mode in the Among Us settings. It hides the lobby code, the custom server ip and the custom server port. You can set a custom lobby code replacement text, by ...
notcurses_cantruecolor() has been added, allowing clients to determine whether the full RGB space is available to us. If not, we only have palette-indexed pseudocolor. 1.5.1 (2020-06-15) The semantics of rendering have changed slightly. In 1.5.0 and prior versions, a cell without a gl...
In the distant future, where man can traverse the endless light-years between the seven stars of the Unified Stellar Republic in a heartbeat, you have acquired your first spacecraft. Little more than a hypergate-capable shuttle, you must trade and fight
Among-Us-Sheriff-Mod - Idea for the Sheriff role comes from Woodi-dev TownOfUs - Idea for the Arsonist and a similar Mayor role come from Slushiegoose Ottomated - Idea for the Morphling, Detective, and Camouflager role come from Ottomated Goose-Goose-Duck - Idea for the Scavenger role ...
13. Finally, launch Among Us.exe from that folder. A first launch may take up to 5 minutes, so be patient if it doesn't launch immediately. If the mod does not work and the version of Among Us that you see in the main menu, under the town of us logo or bottom left, does not...
This mod is not affiliated with Among Us or Innersloth LLC, and the content contained therein is not endorsed or otherwise sponsored by Innersloth LLC. Portions of the materials contained herein are property of Innersloth LLC. © Innersloth LLC.Stellar...