To download Among Us from HappyMod APP, you can follow this: 1. Open your browser and download the HappyMod APK file from - the only official website of HappyMod. 2. Open Android Settings and go into Privacy or Security. ...
There are lots of gamessimilar to Among Us. Here are some we picked for you: Goose Goose Duck Just Act Natural Duration Play Time:It takes between 1 minute and 5 minutes to play a round of this game. Depending on how quickly the Impostor/Saboteur players are discovered....
平台:Android 厂商:睡鲨工作室 中文名:自由的罗布 自由的罗布游戏又名为free robux among us手游。是很好玩的闯关类游戏。以卡通风格设计并呈现,游戏的可玩性很高,自由度极强,玩家可以随时随地自由体验,其内容精彩,过程刺激,为您带来前所未有的游戏体验,真的很不错呦! 自由的罗布官方版简介 这是适合初学者的最...
Among Usis a freemultiplayervideogamethat bands four to 15 players together against theImpostor(s), bent on killing the rest of the crew before they’re outed. It’s free-to-play on Android and makes for agreat party game. You canplay with people onlineor via local Wi-Fi. Developed by...
Android 6.0+ Version:2024.10.29 585.6Mb Download (585.6Mb) Innersloth LLC Among Us (MOD, Unlocked)- a game in which you need to go to space travel in a ship, and for this you need to prepare it for departure. But on the ship there are one, two, or three saboteurs who will slow...
4.3 Paid Injustice™ 2 Free DC superhero fighting game 3.6 Paid Life is Strange Life really is starting to get strange Also available in other platforms Among Us for Android Among Us for iPhone Program available in other languages Télécharger Among Us [FR] Ladda ner Among Us [SV] Download...
Among Us Online can be played on your computers and mobile devices like android phones, iphones and tablets. Can I Play The Game For Free?Yes, you can play all games online for free on YAD. Just open the page in a Web browser (desktop, mobile or pad) and enjoy yourself.So, what ...
报告指出,InnerSloth《Among Us》11 月在全球 App Store 和 Google Play 获得 5320 万次下载,是去年同期的 50 倍,再次蝉联全球移动游戏下载榜榜首。美国是该游戏第一大市场,贡献了 15.8% 的下载量;其次是巴西,占 9%。Voodoo《Shortcut Run》则以 3520 万次下载排名第 2,美国是下载量最大的市场,占 ...
IT之家12月15日消息今日上午,Sensor Tower 发布了最新报告,带来了 2020 年 11 月全球热门移动游戏下载量排行榜单。 报告指出,InnerSloth《Among Us》11 月在全球 App Store 和 Google Play 获得 5320 万次下载,是去年同期的 50 倍,再次蝉联全球移动游戏下载榜榜首。美国是该游戏第一大市场,贡献了 15.8% 的下载...
汉化版的among ..如果你喜欢狼人杀游戏的刺激感和烧脑的畅快感,那么不妨试试这款Among Us电脑版,这是一款另类风格的狼人杀游戏,是太空版的狼人杀,游戏将背景设定在太空飞船的聚会上,为玩家带来全新的狼人杀游戏体验,为