Previous research has thus far been descriptive and focused on contraceptive prevalence and use of different methods, frequently drawing comparisons to majority populations [16,18,19,20]. Prior reviews have shed light on migrant women’s access to healthcare including SRH in specific geographic contex...
A modern-day “gold rush” is drawing people to this region of North Dakota, where a recent oil boom has created thousands of new jobs. However, this also means that living costs and the number of people living in Bakken has drastically surged and created unique conflicts, which are capture...
94], one used a case study design drawing on both quantitative and qualitative data [92], and one used a before and after study design using a survey questionnaire [93]. Two studies assessed the impact of the intervention on
In contemporary times, the conceptualisation of marriage has shifted; however, societal attitudes and cultural ideologies regarding its construction remain complex. As such, unique generational perspectives are needed to reflect on how marriage has evolv
The current study examines the motivational factors, types of uncertainty, and entrepreneurship strategies of transitional entrepreneurship among ethnic minorities, immigrants, and women entrepreneurs, drawing insights from an extensive literature review. To understand the dynamics of transitional entrepreneurship...
Indicative evidence suggests that the prevalence of multiple long-term conditions (i.e., conditions that cannot be cured but can be managed with medication and other treatments) may be higher in people from minoritised ethnic groups when compared to peop
This study aimed to gain a deeper understanding of genomic healthcare utilization, patient activation, and intrafamilial risk communication among racially and ethnically diverse individuals tested for BRCA variants. We employed an explanatory, sequential
Drawing upon the inherent malleability of S´r¯ıvidya¯ rituals and the porosity between the tradition's paths, in Section 3.2 I describe sir¯ıjyotipu¯ja¯, a ritual unique to Guruj¯ı's followers aimed at sa¯dhakas' identification with Dev¯ı, which, while ...
While there are challenges in drawing inferences from observational surveillance data and some gaps remain, the breadth and depth of the data compiled by PSERENADE increase our capacity to address many questions. This multisite database overcomes common IPD data limitations, including having too few ...