【YouTube搬运】amongusxFriday night funkin Nim (fake collad Nim) 4.3万 14 0:11 App 摘下桶的布鲁德 2014 -- 0:13 App [授权转载]Among us Animation - Lavender town! || Red and Olive 7018 18 4:59 App 【4K中译|Among Us】在我们之间 | 冒名顶替者 | M4rkim 1262 -- 0:17 App 《...
(搬运音乐)他们是'火柴人 再临者 VS RED VS 裤头小子 VS 亨利(DeathBattle系列官方同人曲) 03:44 (搬运音乐)丝线的附着 蝎 (火影忍者) VS 黑瞳 (斩!赤红之瞳)(DeathBattle系列官方同人曲) 05:10 (搬运音乐)粗糙的钻石 神奥四天王之战 (精灵宝可梦)(DeathBattle系列官方同人曲) 03:36 (搬运音乐)评分...
If set in the options, the Guardian will get a red flash on their screen if someone (Impostor, Sheriff, ...) tried to murder them. If the Guardian dies, the shield disappears with them. The Sheriff will not die if they try to kill a shielded Crewmate and won't perform a kill if...
Parameteradaptive: If this parameter is set, the Among Us coloring shader will be applied (the shader that replaces some colors with the colors that your character is wearing in the game). The color red (#ff0000) will be replaced with the primary color of your player and the color blue...
Compatibility with the new Among Us version v2022.12.14 New Role: Imitator (Replacing Time Lord) New Role: Bomber (Poisoner rework) New Game Mode: Cultist New Game Mode Roles: Necromancer & Whisperer as well as Crewmate/Impostor variants of already existing roles New Setting: Enable Hidd...
amongus吧 一只忧郁的衫 手机版Among Us为什么不能打中文字如题,每次都是打一个字之后就不给打了,怎么回事啊 分享8赞 playstation系列吧 银色世纪王影月 《Among Us VR》即将登陆PS VR2 发售日期尚未公开开发商Shcell Games以及发行商Innersloth近期宣布《Among Us VR》将登陆PS VR2,目前发售日期未公开,定价...
Bongarten,BC,Hanover,JW.Hybridization among white, red, blue and white x blue spruces.Forestry Sciences. 1982Bongarten BC, Hanover JW (1982) Hybridization among white, red, blue and white x blue spruces. For Sci 28:129–134Bongarten B C.Hybridization among white red blue and white blue ...
我之前自己一个人玩,也挺有乐趣的,地图就那几张,可以先从太空船玩起,记下地图里面各个地方的名字,对话只要说一些简单通顺的大家都能理解,说谁是凶手只要说颜色就行了,比如:red sus(嫌疑人suspect)不过有两个颜色要特别注意,一个是浅蓝cyan,不能说blue,另一个是浅绿lime,不是green。这是我很早之前玩的,现在...
【YouTube搬运】Love you so - among us oc / blue X white (13+) 21.4万 691 2023-03-25 08:00:23 您当前的浏览器不支持 HTML5 播放器 请更换浏览器再试试哦~ 8663 618 7749 获取视频分享链接 372 稿件举报 1篇笔记 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=25tKJYN5480 原作者:-Baitoey Fox- ...