Report on Ammoniacal and Urea Nitrogendoi:10.1093/jaoac/25.4.874Griem W BJournal of Association of Official Agricultural Chemists
Twitter Google Share on Facebook Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Wikipedia am·mo·ni·ac1 (ə-mō′nē-ăk′)alsoam·mo·ni·a·cal(ăm′ə-nī′ə-kəl) adj. Of, containing, or similar to ammonia. am·mo·ni·ac2 (ə-mō′nē-ăk′) ...
As ammoniacal nitrogen produced by urea hydrolysis just after deep application is chemically stable in the anaerobic layer of the paddy soil, it is relevant to study the diffusion-exchange phenomenon affecting this ammoniacal-N. More precisely, numerical calculus was called on to solve the non-...
【英语版】国际标准 ISO 15604:2016 EN 肥料 同一样品中不同形式氮的测定,包含硝态氮、氨态氮、尿素氮和氰氨态氮 Fertilizers — Determination of different forms of nitrogen in the same sample, containing nitrogen as nitric, ammoniacal, urea and cyanamide nitrogen.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击...
AOAC Official Method 941.04 Urea and Ammoniacal Nitrogen in Animal Feed comment list good0%0 medium0%0 bad0%0
英文名称:Fertilizers — Determination of different forms of nitrogen in the same sample, containing nitrogen as nitric, ammoniacal, urea and cyanamide nitrogen 标准状态:现行 发布日期:2016-04-11 文档简介 ISO15604:2016是关于肥料中氮元素的分析标准。此标准定义了针对不同形式的氮(硝酸态氮、铵态氮、尿...
Report on Ammoniacal Urea and Nitrogen Saltsdoi:10.1093/jaoac/27.4.494aGriem W BJournal of Association of Official Agricultural Chemists
Fertilizers - Determination of total nitrogen in fertilizers containing nitrogen only as nitric, ammoniacal and urea nitrogen by two different methodsdoi:EN 15750:2009本文件规定了两种不同的方法(方法A和B),用于确定化肥中的总氮含量.方法A根据ISO 5315:1984 [2]规定蒸馏后的滴定法.方法B规定了用铁和锡...
Fertilizers - Determination of total nitrogen in fertilizers containing nitrogen only as nitric, ammoniacal and urea nitrogen by two different methods; German version CEN/TS 15750:2008doi:DIN CEN/TS 15750
Fertilizers - Determination Of Different Forms Of Nitrogen In The Same Sample, Containing Nitrogen As Nitric, Ammoniacal, Urea And Cyanamide NitrogenItalian Standards