If your cat is not getting enough fluids, his urine will be more condensed and smell stronger of ammonia. If your cat's urine smells stronger than usual, a veterinarian can determine if the problem is dehydration. The solution is to make sure Fluffy always has clean water to drink. Place ...
According to theAmerican Kennel Club,getting rid of the smell of dog urine is the hardest part. In this battle, enlist a common household item: baking soda. Sprinkle a layer of baking soda across the pee spot. Let it sit overnight so the baking soda absorbs the liquid and the odors and...
depending on what type of chemical it is suspended in. Ammonia has a strong, pungent odor that is easily recognizable in cleaning products, cat urine, and, for some people, sweat!
SmellAmmoniaBacterial growthThe foul smell of urine around patients with urine incontinence is thought to be due mainly to the production of ammonia from urea by bacterial ureases. The production of ammonia was thus measured by infrared spectrophotometry in control diapers and in test diapers ...
And because an ammonia smell in the nose can signaladvanced kidney disease, see a doctor right away if you have that symptom. This is especially true if you have other symptoms such as kidney pain and changes in the appearance and smell of your urine. ...
Ammonia drives the squirrels mad because of their developed sense of smell and can scared them away for some time. Also, it reminds them to the urine of the predators and natural enemies. All you have to do is to wet some rags with ammonia and put them in the area in which squirrels ...
If the scales shift too far off the mark in a particular dietary direction, signs of improper nutrition can crop up -- and sweat that smells like ammonia is one of those. Luckily, if exercise leaves you smelling somewhere between industrial strength cleaner and fresh cat urine, there's a ...
smell) can cause damage to the respiratory tract of chickens and turkeys and interfere with the bird's ability to clear bacteria and viruses from its lungs. Airborne ammonia, even at this low amount, can cause damage to trachaeal mucous membranes in broilers. As ammonia level increases to ...