i "Natural" does not always mean healthful, something that becomes obvious in the delicate environment of a saltwater aquarium. Ammonia is a natural product of organic waste, but in the confines of a tank it can be lethal. Keeping levels under control requires regular attention—a saltwater aqu...
Ammonia burnsare no joke—they canquickly threaten the life of your aquarium fishanddestroy the tank environment. When the level ofammoniain fresh or saltwater tanks becomes too high, this substance becomes toxic and canchemically "burn" fishes' skin, eyes, fins, and gills. If you have fish,...
I personally use both in my freshwater and brackish tanks (and my boyfriend uses a protein skimmer along with a piece of PolyFilter in his saltwater setup).> In other words, will the fish still provide enough Amm to maintain the colonies even when an Amm remover is being used? <Again ,...