reductant and nitrogen, batch incubation experiments were performed. For quantification of the guanidine concentrations, we adapted an analytical workflow based on derivatization of guanidine with benzoin29. In addition to the previously reported
than an operatorwhousesanHVLPorelectrostatic spray gun,buthasnotbeen trained in proper painting practices. 一个经过了正确培训 的使用传统型空气雾化喷枪的操作员所采用的有效性喷漆技术在对传输效率的改进方面总是远远 优于一个使用HVLP或静电喷枪、且未经...
structure optimization based on classical force fields revealed the repulsive interaction between adsorbates and PB, resulting in a distance larger than 8 Å from PANI, confirming experimental observations that PB does not significantly bind nitrate. On the other hand, in ES, hydrogen bonding betwe...
select protein and coupled solvent configurational fluctuations contribute to enzyme function. The general approach is to correlate enzyme function with an introduced perturbation that alters the properties (for example, degree of concertedness, or collectiveness) of protein and coupled solvent ...
A fungal strain, Penicillium purpurogenum IAM 15392, produced the azaphilone Monascus pigment homolog when cultured in a medium composed of soluble starch,
[3].However,likemanyotherconductivepolymers,PPy isinsolubleinanordinarysolventandinfusiblebecauseof decompositionbeforemelting.Toovercometheselimitations, preparationofpolypyrrole/inorganicparticlescompositeshasbeen consideredtoprovideasuitablesolutiontotheprocessability problem.Untilnow,variousnanocompositesofPPywithinorganic...
Total protein samples were solubilized in 1 ml solvent A (1 ml of trifluoroacetic acid in 1000 ml of water) and 14C-labeled proteins were separated from the starting and non-labeled material by high-performance liquid chromatography using a ultraviolet detection system coupled with a flow-...
TEM images were acquired using a FEI Tecnai F30 Transmission Electron Microscope, with a field emission gun operated at 200 kV. The XRD pattern was collected using a PANalytical Empyrean diffractometer, with a 1.8 KW copper X-ray tube. XPS was performed using a Physical Electronics 5400 ES...
The maximum hydrogen uptake or release is 7.2 wt% (calculated based on the substrate not considering the solvent). The values for the uptake and release of H2 are based on those of the preceding step. Full size image Discussion In summary, we demonstrated that lignin, an overabundant, ...
The hydrogen uptake and release values were calculated by GC and GC-MS analysis and based on the preceding step. The maximum hydrogen uptake or release is 7.2 wt% (calculated based on the substrate not considering the solvent). The values for the uptake and release of H2 are based on ...