1.a colorless, pungent, suffocating, highly water-soluble, gaseous compound, NH3, used chiefly for refrigeration and in the manufacture of commercial chemicals and laboratory reagents. 2.Also calledammonia water.ammonia dissolved in water; ammonium hydroxide. ...
Ammonia is a highly reactive chemical, forming ammonium salts in reactions with inorganic and organic acids. Industrial ammonia is used for a wide variety of applications in varying quantities. Product Name Ammonia Chemical Formula NH3 Hazard Class 2.3 Molecular Weight 17.031 Boil...
Ammonia is very soluble in water, a saturated solution containing approximately 45% NH3 (weight) at the freezing temperature of the solution and about 30% (weight) at standard conditions. Ammonia dissolved in water forms a strongly alkaline solution of ammonium hydroxide, NH4OH. The univalent ...
Ammonia is a colorless gas. It may be compressed and cooled to a colorless liquid. Ammonia is the compound formed by the chemical combination of the gaseous elements nitrogen and hydrogen. Ammonia is a highly reactive chemical, forming ammonium salts in reactions with inorganic ...
Formula: NH3 2. (Elements & Compounds) a solution of ammonia in water, containing the compound ammonium hydroxide [C18: from New Latin, from Latin (sal) ammōniacus (sal) ammoniac1] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, ...
Our formula is based on the weekly CFR Northwest Europe Duty Unpaid spot/contract ammonia price, the weekly average carbon spot price from EEX EUA, carbon emission per tonne of NH3 (ammonia) production and free CO2 allocation per tonne of ammonia. ...
Plant A was completed in 1966 and consisted of units to produce 550 t/d of urea, sulphuric acid, ammonia and ammonium sulfate. PIC's Operations Under the terms of the deal, KBR will supply Fertial its proprietary ammonia technology to significantly increase the production capacity of the two...
Recommended Lessons and Courses for You Related Lessons Related Courses Ammonium | Formula, Symbol & Structure Ammonium Hydroxide | Formula, Structure & Uses Ammonium Nitrate | Formula, Reactions & Uses Ammonia | Definition, Formula, Structure ...
Our formula is based on the weekly CFR Northwest Europe Duty Unpaid spot/contract ammonia price, the weekly average carbon spot price from EEX EUA, carbon emission per tonne of NH3 (ammonia) production and free CO2 allocation per tonne of ammonia. ...
3.manufacturing of alkalis, ammonium salts, dyes, pharmaceuticals, cuprammonium rayon, and nylon 4. rubber industry for stabilization of raw latex to prevent coagulation during transportation and torage 5. as a catalyst in the phenol-formaldehyde condensation and also in the...