(ii) It is a mixture of two optical isomers in equal proportions by weights. (iii) It may be laevo-rotatory or dextro-rotatory (iv) It rotates the plane of polarisation of light by equal angles on both the sides. Among the following , the FALSE statements are ___. View Solution...
How should a voltmeter be connected to the components of which the voltage is being measured? An ammeter whose internal resistance is 44 ohms, reads 6.00 mA when connected in a circuit containing a battery and two resistors in series whose values are 74...
美['æmi:tə(r)] 英['æmi:tə(r)] n.电流表;安培计 网络电表;安培表;电流计 复数:ammeters 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 ammeter n. 1. 安培计;电流表an instrument for measuring the strength of an electric current 例句
Notice that the range resistors are connected through the switch so as to be in parallel with the meter movement, rather than in series as it was in the voltmeter design. The five-position switch makes contact with only one resistor at a time, of course. Each resistor is sized accordingly ...
Ammeters must be connected inserieswith the current to be measured, to ensure that all the current moves through the meter: In order to practically function, an ammeter must have some internal resistance. It is usually a very small amount, but it does exist. It should be apparent to you ...
[instructions]: 85C1 DC A meter can be directly connected to the circuit in the circuit.Use and application: This series of instruments is a direct analog display indicator instrument, measuring DC current, voltage, AC current, voltage, frequency, power factor, phase sequence, power, synchronizat...
Brightness of the LED displays can be varied by adding or removing 1N4148 small signal diodes that are connected in series. Use two 1N4148 diodes for higher brightness. Also, the use of 7805 5V voltage regulator is highly recommended to prevent the damage of ICL7107 and 7660 ICs. ...
The ratio of primary to secondary ammeter readings should be approximately equal to the marked ratio on the CT nameplate. This method of current ratio test also provides a second check on polarity, as the residually connected secondary ammeter will read a few milliamperes if the CTs are of ...
That pin should be connected even if +12V DC is connected to J2 pin. Voltage from that pin deliver information for fan switching. J4 Measuring signal connector. Multimeter is suitable for voltage and current measurement in PSU, where current sense shunt resistor is connected in series with load...
An alternating voltage (in Volts) given by V = 200 sin(100t) is connected to 1F capacitor through an ideal AC ammeter in series. What shall be the reading of the ammeter and the average power consumed The ammeter shown in the figure below reads 2.28 ...