# This file is a part of the Armbian Rebuild and kernel Recompile script # https://github.com/ophub/amlogic-s9xxx-armbian # # Description: Run on Ubuntu-20.04-x86_64, Compile the kernel for Amlogic s9xxx tv box # Copyright (C) 2021- https://github.com/unifreq # Copyright (C) 202...
进入~/amlogic-s9xxx-armbian根目录,在根目录下创建文件夹build/output/images,并上传 Armbian 镜像文件 ( 如:Armbian_21.11.0-trunk_Odroidn2_current_5.15.50.img) 到~/amlogic-s9xxx-armbian/build/output/images目录里。原版 Armbian 镜像文件名称中的发行版本号(如:21.11.0)和内核版本号(如:5.15.50)请保留...
# This file is a part of the Rebuild Armbian # https://github.com/ophub/amlogic-s9xxx-armbian # # Description: Run on x86_64 Ubuntu-20.04/22.04, Rebuild armbian.# Copyright (C) 2021- https://github.com/unifreq # Copyright (C) 2021- https://github.com/ophub/amlogic-s9xxx-...
It will be used as the name of the Armbian system after restructuring. Enter the ~/amlogic-s9xxx-armbian root directory, and then run the sudo ./rebuild -b s905x3 -k 6.6.12 command to generate the Armbian image file for the specified board. The generated file is saved in the build/...
armbian-sync In the use of Armbian, some common problems that may be encountered can be found in documentsLocal PackagingClone the repository to local git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/ophub/amlogic-s9xxx-armbian.git Install the necessary software packages (scripts have only been tested ...
学习安装armbian的过程中参考了 油管&简书&B站&恩山论坛的大部分教程后,仍然无法实现正常安装。 于是,查阅资料去对启动过程分析,发现应该设备树也就是dtb.img配置出错的原因。 思考过后,初步认为是固件的问题,后发现教程过旧导致的,大部分教程的版本为Armbian_5.67_Aml-s9xxx或者更旧。查阅官网,发现现在安装armbian时...
Armbian_5.59_Aml-s9xxx_Ubuntu_xenial_default_4.18.0_20180823.img into a usb disc. and boot it successfully with my TV box. I havenot flashed the emmc yet . Another word , I played with Armbian installed at the U-disc. However , when I tried to upload/download files to/from the ...
学习安装armbian的过程中参考了 油管&简书&B站&恩山论坛的大部分教程后,仍然无法实现正常安装。 于是,查阅资料去对启动过程分析,发现应该设备树也就是dtb.img配置出错的原因。 思考过后,初步认为是固件的问题,后发现教程过旧导致的,大部分教程的版本为Armbian_5.67_Aml-s9xxx或者更旧。查阅官网,发现现在安装armbian时...
I compiled the kernel from torvalds tree (after applying the text_offset patch of course) and used your config (https://github.com/150balbes/Build-Armbian/blob/master/config/kernel/linux-aml-s9xxx-default.config)but the kernel get's stuck when it reaches userspace 展现隐藏的内容 and after ...