nucleosome, base excision repair (BER), DNA repair, chromatin, histone modification, glycosylase, HBR domain, histone H2B repression, polymerase betaNucleosome dynamics, such as spontaneous DNA unwrapping, are postulated to have a critical role in regulating the access of DNA repair machinery to DNA...
b, Fluorescence images of nuclear localization of Histone-H2B-(GFP-152-B6) or Histone-H2B-(FN-E9) fusion protein in HEK293T cells. Scale bars: 5 μm. The nuclear was stained with draq5 dye and pseudo-coloured in red. The fluorescence signal of GFP-152-B6 or FN-E9 was recorded in ...
The primary function of amino acids is to act as the monomer unit in protein synthesis and as substrates for biosynthetic reactions.1,2Amino acid metabolism disorders have been linked to the progression of various diseases. For example, the deletion of tumor suppressor genes, such as PTEN and P...
Amino acids form peptides and proteins and are therefore considered the main building blocks of life. The kidney has an important but under-appreciated role in the synthesis, degradation, filtration, reabsorption and excretion of amino acids, acting to retain useful metabolites while excreting potentia...
In nature, dipeptides, and tripeptides with γ-glutamyl linkage are ubiquitously present. For example, chemical characterization described γ-glutamyl dipeptides in urine (γ-glutamylleucine, γ-glutamylisoleucine, γ-glutamylvaline) and in plants in which glutamic acid bound to several amino acids in...
histone H4-mimickingH4-mimicking peptidemonoalkylationhistoneA range of isoxazole-containing amino acids was synthesized that displaced acetyl-lysine-containing peptides from the BAZ2A, BRD4(1), and BRD9 bromodomains. Three of these amino acids were incorporated into a histone H4-mimicking peptide ...
SubCellular LocalizationNucleic Acids, Nucleus Molecular Weight (g/mol)1270.45 Unit SizeEach 內容物與存放 Contains 1 vial of 7-AAD (1 mg). Store in freezer (-5°C to -30°C) and protect from light. 圖表 Panel of confocal micrographs showing cells from wheat root tips in seven stages of...
SolubilityDMSO (Dimethylsulfoxide) Label TypeFluorescent Dye Product TypeNuclear Labeling SubCellular LocalizationNucleic Acids, Nucleus Molecular Weight (g/mol)1270.45 Unit SizeEach 內容物與存放 Contains 1 vial of 7-AAD (1 mg).Store in freezer (-5°C to -30°C) and protect from light.圖表...
Amino acid metabolism plays a pivotal role in tumor microenvironment, influencing various aspects of cancer progression. The metabolic reprogramming of amino acids in tumor cells is intricately linked to protein synthesis, nucleotide synthesis, modulatio
In addition to the direct integration of amino acids and their derivatives in metabolic reprogramming processes, amino acids are also fundamental in mediating epigenetic regulation and posttranscriptional modification. For example, DNA and histone methylation are regulated by balanced metabolite levels in th...