生物化学原理教学(杨荣武)Chapter1 Amino acids.ppt,Outline Structure and classification of AA Properties and function of AA Separation and purification of AA (self-study) Proteinogenic AA or canonical AA. Encoded by genetic codes and directly introduced
3) Amino acids with polar, uncharged R-group: - The R-groups of these amino acids are more soluble in water, or more hydrophilic, than those of the non-polar amino acids, because they contain functional groups that form hydrogen bonds with water. This class of amino acids includes: serin...
the side chains of the nonpolar amino acids tend to cluster together in the interior of the protein. The nonpolar R-group fill up the interior of the folded protein and help
1、Chapter 1 Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins-2 -Polymers of amino acidsSummary一、肽键的结构二、氨基酸残基的顺序是蛋白质功能的基础三、蛋白质的一级结构四、蛋白质的二级结构Peptide bonds covalently join amino acid molecules, it is formed by the -carboxyl group and the -amino group.Hydroxyl gr...
生物化学资料:Metabolism of amino acids.ppt,* * However, the urea cycle also causes a net conversion of oxaloacetate to fumarate (via aspartate), and the regeneration of oxaloacetate produces NADH in the malate dehydrogenase reaction. Each NADH molecule
1)NormalnitrogenbalanceintakeN=lossesN 2)Positivenitrogenbalance intakeN>lossesN 3)Negativenitrogenbalance intakeN<lossesN 2.Physicalrequirementsofproteins •Lowestrequirement:30~50g/day •Recommendrequirement:80g/day(65kgman)3.Nutritionvalueofproteins (1)Essentialaminoacids:Aminoacidsthatcannotbe...
1、Biosynthesis of amino acids and related molecules氨基酸及其衍生物的生物合成,Contents,Overview of nitrogen metabolism Reduction (fixation) of N2 into ammonia (NH3 or NH4+) Synthesis of the 20 amino acids Synthesis of other biomolecules from amino acids,1.The nitrogen cycle,2. Nitrogen is fixed...
Chapter20AminoAcids,Peptides,andProteins Proteins •Biopolymersof-aminoacids.•Aminoacidsarejoinedbypeptidebond.•Varietyoffunctions:structureenzymestransportprotectionhormones Chapter20 => 2 StructureofProteins => Chapter203 AminoAcids ••••-NH2onthecarbonnextto-COOH....
1. Location of nonpolar amino acids in proteins Proteins found in aqueous solutions (a polar environment), the side chains of the nonpolar amino acids tend to cluster together in the interior of the protein. This phenomenon, known as the hydrophobic effect, is the result of the hydrophobicity ...
Amino acid structure The amino and carboxylic groups of amino acids readily ionized At physiological pH (7) - carboxyl group of an amino acid is unprotonated. conjugate base form (-COO-) - amino group of an amino acid is protonated. in its conjugate acid form (+NH3) Thus, each amino ac...