首先,来了解一下Amina Muaddi是谁吧👇。这个品牌由同名设计师创建,以其独特的设计风格和辨识度极高的水晶装饰而闻名。她的鞋子不仅在时尚圈大受欢迎,还吸引了众多好莱坞女星。价格从5000元起💰,在Instagram上火到不行,每次推出新款,很多女明星都爱不释手,即使撞鞋也不在乎。今天推荐的是Begum系列👇。作为一个...
“Give a girl the right shoes and can conquer the world.” 给女孩一双对的鞋,她便能征服世界。 这是今天的主人公 ——Amina Muaddi的座右铭。 初看Amina 的 Instagram,很容易让人以为她是一位不知从何而来,却拥有百万粉丝的 Influencer。但只要对欧美时尚圈有所了解,很难说没听过这个名字,毕竟这位混血姑...
This isn’t the first time Muaddi was championed by someone from the Kardashian-Jenner clan with both Kylie and Kendall proving to be firm fans. Muaddi, the creator of Paris-designed Italy-made brand shoes, graced the cover of ourApril ‘Go Your Own Way’ issueand told us that she never...
義大利最受矚目的鞋履設計師 Amina Muaddi,其品牌Oscar Tiye的鞋款以筆直尖細的鞋跟、綁著蝴蝶結的後跟設計,而獲得「長翅膀的高跟鞋」,Zoe Saldana、Aimee Song、Hailee Steinfeld和超模Hedi Klum都是她的粉絲。 早前, Amina Muaddi 和 Alexandre Vauthier 合作,推出了最新的同名鞋履系列—— Amina Muaddi。 Amina...
BE HEELED!!! Rihanna is blessing our fashion souls with one of the (if not the biggest) collaborations of 2020! TheFenty x Amina MuaddiCapsule Collection! A line up that is all about shoes… REALLY HOT ONES! This collab is exactly what the Fenty brand has been needing. A shot of excit...
Il tradimento di Asap con la designer Amina Muaddi è diventato il trend del momento su Twitter, ma cosa c’è di vero?