公司名稱: CHINA AMIGO INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD. 地址: P.O. Box 73-42, Taipei, Taiwan 國際區號: 886 電話: 886-2-2831-6811, 2832-6811, 2833-6811 傳真: 886-2-2836-4111 電子郵件: 網站: 個人資訊: We established in 1975 and are one of ...
Established in 1975 成立於1975年,亞米格國際事業有限公司已經是世界上最專業的潤滑產品及止水產品供應商之一。亞米格公司並已銷售產品至全世界超過30多個國家。 本公司一直專注於於研發及銷售機械潤滑產品及止水抓漏產品。我們的主要產品線包括潤滑產品的黃油嘴,黃油槍;防水止漏產品的止水針頭,高壓灌注機,工程用釘鞋...
China Amigo International; Ltd.Established in 1975 in Taiwan, We are the professional and leading supplier ofInjection Packer, Epoxy Injection Packer, Injection Pump, Grease Fitting, Grease Nipple, Lubricant Nipple, Grease Gun, Spiked Shoes, Couplers and waterproof materials.We dedicated in the innova...
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The China Quar. 109: 667-685.Esteban, M. (2009) `The Chinese Amigo: Implications for the Development of Equatorial Guinea', Chinese Quarterly 99: 667-85.Esteban, M. 2009. `The Chinese Amigo: Implications for the Development of Equatorial Guinea'. The China Quarterly. 199, 667-685....
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