I quietly backed out of the label game again but kept the site rolling strong. I pretty much just told Quick and the Dead and My Epic that I wasn’t doing any more label stuff and quit printing CDs. My last show was in 2007 and it was a “Hearts Bleed Passion V...
Subscribe here to receive your free Jungle Emotions Cards. You'll also be signed up for our free 5 day email series Little Hearts, Big Worries with resources and help for parents. Yes! I Want This! We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time. Built with Kit You may also be interes...
With its ownmethodology of social media analysis, Heuritechwas able topredict this summer’s buzzing trends as the world comes out of confinement. Come summer, consumers will be wearing their hearts on their sleeves. Cautious yet hopeful American and European consumers have been getting fit and fi...