Amharic ProverbsArmstrong, Willam HFisseha, Demoz G.E
Don't let your jokes/proverbs get lost in translation. There is no better way to say what's on your mind than writing it in the original language. Go ahead and express yourself in Amharic. 更多 新内容 版本记录 版本2.3 Updated for iOS 18 App...
Don't let your jokes/proverbs get lost in translation. There is no better way to say what's on your mind than writing it in the original language. የተፃፈ ይወሳል በቃል ያለ ይረሳል።Go ahead and express yourself in Amharic. ...
Sometimes the meaning of these sayings is clear. Sometimes it has to be puzzled out and argued over. But sayings and idioms and proverbs help people express truths and beliefs in unusual ways. Other books are based on STEAM topics, cooking, colors, counting and more....
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proverbs have relatively stable,conventionalized and contextual meaning of form as continuum,residing in their common conceptual base.Above of all,they are metaphor-dependent as a common on conceptual base.Hence,there are a number of proverbs in Amharic and Afaan Oromoo as well that comment on ...
Don't let your jokes/proverbs get lost in translation. There is no better way to say what's on your mind than writing it in the original language. Go ahead and express yourself in Amharic. 更多 新内容 版本记录 版本2.3 Updated for iOS 18 App...