This offline (No Internet needed) Amharic Bible App lets you search for all the books or sort between the New & Old testaments for an organized selection. It wi…
The Amharic Bible Study App Discover the richness of the Bible in Amharic through our comprehensive Bible Study App. Tailored for those seeking a profound understanding of the Scriptures, our app offers a systematic exploration of each book and chapter, guiding you through the Bible. Immerse yourse...
Amharic Audio Bible 阿姆哈拉語圣经 支持 四個譯本經文對照, 下載音頻文檔離線播放, 調整播放速度。 服務信箱: more What’s New Version History Version 1.0.1 Support IOS 13 App Privacy See Details The developer, CHI FA WANG, has not provided details about its privacy pra...
Amharic Audio Bible 阿姆哈拉語圣经 支持四個譯本經文對照,下載音頻文檔離線播放,調整播放速度。 服務信箱:
Take your Amharic Bible with you wherever you go.This app contains advertising. 圣经中的阿姆哈拉语(埃塞俄比亚)是老阿姆哈拉语圣经版本或海尔·塞拉西1962年版本的Android支持的手机。与基本特征提供,使用Android设备的阿姆哈拉语讲社会力量(埃塞俄比亚)。 特征与选定的颜色方案-Highlight重要的经文,(黄,...
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Bible org we are glad to release android Amharic Bible app as a free service, to spread Jesus words. We welcome any suggestions to improve yourself. Start your day with Amharic of the bible. Amharic bible download app is not just another Amharic bible Study app (Amharic Language). Its for...
Download your favorite bible verse to listen later easily. Download bible verse audios to easily listen while offline. Experience the Bible App in Amharic and English Free download for offline listening Download our app and begin your Bible study now! Learn and preach the Holy word every day!
Amharic Audio Bible 阿姆哈拉語圣经 支持四個譯本經文對照,下載音頻文檔離線播放,調整播放速度。 服務信箱:
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