new class of white southerners working in railroads, cotton mills, iron, steel, and tobacco Sharecropping work on land in contract, give portion of land to owner Tenant Farming money owed now instead of land. cycle of poverty continues. never outlawed. ...
女性经常服用抗氧化剂补充剂来改善卵子质量,但目前尚不清楚这是否真的对怀孕或活产率有好处。 Showell等人(2020年-最新的Cochrane综述)进行了一项荟萃分析,汇集了63项随机对照试验(rct)的结果,研究了抗氧化补充剂对活产率和怀孕率的影响。 在试图自然受孕或接受生育治疗的女性中,抗氧化剂显示出活产率和怀孕率的整体...
2.8.1. Inclusion Criteria The inclusion criteria were Woldia town secondary school students who attend the class during data collection period and volunteers. 2.8.2. Exclusion Criteria (i) Those who were not available during data collection period (ii) Those who were physically and mentally not c...
也就是说,疫情之后,白血病患者住院次数不仅没有增长,反而大幅降低。其中2020年相比2019年一下少了7万多人,降幅19.63%,2021年也比疫情之前少了5万多人,降幅13.67%。(注:因公布的占比数据仅精确至小数点后2位,计算结果可能与实际数据有少许误差,不影响变化趋势) ...