Earn 3 points per $1 spent directly at these selected merchants: Xero, Google Ads, Meta for Business, Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Dell. Spend made through an aggregator or intermediary 3rd party platforms for these transactions may not be eligible for accelerated points earn. ...
Offer分析:加上Amex MR信用卡消费本身至少1x的返利,使用添加此Offer的信用卡在Amazon消费就是总共5x的返利,按照Amex MR 1.7美分 / 点的估值,返利就是大约8.5%。虽然没有上次的Amazon Amex Offer给力,在Amazon消费能有9.1折左右的优惠也是很不错的了。我很多张卡都有这个offer,大概就去reload Amazon账户留着以后消...
Please visit americanexpress.com/rewards-info for more information about rewards.Cash Back Program – Amazon.com RedemptionsYou can use Reward Dollars (reward dollars) with your linked card for eligible items at Amazon.com checkout. To use Reward Dollars (reward dollars), your Card Account ...
No Foreign Transaction Fee (FTF)。 此卡可以撸AmEx Offer,经常会有一些不错的商家折扣,比如 Walmart $15 返 $5,比如 Amazon $75 返 $25。 此卡可以Refer a friend:推荐此卡给朋友并且申请成功的话,每成功一个你可以得到10k MR点数,上限为 55k / calendar year。 申请难度很低,因为严格来说这是一张 Cha...
此卡可以撸AmEx Offer,经常会有一些不错的商家折扣,比如 Walmart $15 返 $5,比如 Amazon $75 返 $25。 此卡可以Refer a friend:推荐此卡给朋友并且申请成功的话,每成功一个你可以得到 15k MR 点数,上限为 55k / calendar year。 申请难度很低,因为严格来说这是一张 Charge Card 而不是 Credit Card。Cha...
AmEx的卡经常会有一些商家折扣的offer,值得储备一张卡(任意一张AmEx卡)用来用这些offer。比如 Amazon 满50返20刀 Peacock 会员满4.99减4.99(免费送三个月,有英超版权,免费看正版英超) Paramount+会员满5.99减5.99(免费送三个月,有欧冠版权,免费看正版欧冠) ...
Typically, you'll only need to redeem one Membership Rewards point to earn the deep discount. However, for the 15% off offer, you'll need to redeem 714 Membership Rewards points, which are worth roughly $5 in Amazon merchandise. Here's what you need to know about these great offers, ...
Amazon.com 部分Amex会员 积分结账优惠,可用714 MR积分换取额外8.5折优惠,封顶优惠$15。更有王者级用户可获得低至额外5折(高达$80)。 部分用户每$1消费得额外5点运通积分,封顶1,600点 (08/21/2023),需登陆Amex账户添加运通Amazon Offer。 兑换优惠需使用MR积分,请确保你的MR账户中有至少1点积分用于结账使用。
amex每张卡都会有上限100个offer,其中也常常会有很不错的优惠。比如amazon消费30给15啥的。 amex offer提供不同类别的优惠,比如像是购物,日常消费,酒店啊等等。我随便举几个我这张卡里的offer给大家看看。如果用的好的话,一年能省下不少钱! Amex gold卡在翻新后虽然长了年费,但依旧比较适合长期持有,作为像我一...
此卡可以撸 AmEx Offer,经常会有一些不错的商家折扣,比如 Walmart $15 返 $5,比如 Amazon $75 返 $25。 No Foreign Transaction Fee (FTF)。 申请难度低,因为严格来说这是一张 Charge Card 而不是 Credit Card。Charge Card 的意思是,你没法只还 minimum payment,而是必须在每个 due date 之前还清 full ...