不要通过 self-referral 获取点数:自己给自己 refer 不会影响批卡和获得开卡奖励,以前也能拿到 referral bonus,但是最近 Amex 针对这种行为专门收回了一波点数,犯事的人还被运通取消了生成 referral link 的资格。以后也可以预见通过 self-referral 获取的点数有很大的危险会被 Amex 收回,因此不建议再打这种擦边球。
The addition of the 10% cash-back referral bonus per dollar spent at restaurants can very well allow this card to compete with the American Express® Gold Card — the ultimate card for foodies — for the three months the promotion is active (through May 22, 2024). Speaking of the Amex...
According to American Express, it can take 8 to 12 weeks for the referral bonus to credit to your account. You may get the bonus much sooner, though; some people see the bonus post within a week or two. How many points can I earn per year? The Amex Refer a Friend program allows yo...
总之,如果你曾经利用过 self-referral 拿点数,现在最好去网银里好好看看点数是否都还在。 说到这里,心细的朋友可能已经意识到了:Amex 去年可是给 referral bonus 发 1099misc 税表的啊!达到 60k MR 就会触发了!难不成点数一分没拿,回头还倒贴税费???Reddit 已经有 CPA 从业人员给出了意见: 联系Amex 要求给 ...
根据目前看到的数个被关卡的 data points,唯一的共同点只有 self-referral,也就是说很可能滥用 self-referral 成为了这次关卡的主因。也有人猜测很可能运通在人工审核之前用过 self-referral 的账户,发现有过其他“过分”行为就直接关账户,这也是很可能的,因为喜欢撸到极致的人肯定也不会放过 self-referral 的...
After you’ve signed up, you can refer your own friends to the Platinum Card for a referral bonus of 15,000 points per person. What Are The American Express Canada Foreign Transaction Fees? All foreign purchases are processed at Amex's foreign currency exchange rate, which tracks the bank ...
The +4x is on top of 5,000-25,000 Membership Rewards points that we’re seeing recently depending on the card you’re referring from and whether you’re targeted for a heightened referral bonus. The +4x on travel is also on top of whatever other bonuses your spend might qualify for. ...
Best Cards For Earning Amex Membership Rewards Points In the interest of full disclosure, OMAAT earns a referral bonus for anyone that’s approved through some of the below links. The information and associated card details on this page for the American Express® Green Card, Amex EveryDay®...
9,000 Bonus PointsFor a referral 9,000 Bonus Points For a referral if the business is approved Eligibility To apply for the Gold Business Card, you should be able to say yes to the following: The business has a current UK bank or building society account...
在申報Amex信用卡時,常會看到別人給的Referral Link能刷出史高、或是比一般公開申辦連結有更好的welcome offer;甚至有些人可能發現自己產出的referral link也能產生好的offer。 但依照很多Reddit上的消息,如果申辦Amex 信用卡但使用自己的Referral Link(self-refer),即使在完成消費&拿到welcome bonus後,後續仍然可能被...