As a valued American Express® Platinum Cardmember, you are eligible for an annual membership of Priority Pass at no additional cost including 1 guest for no charge. Once you enroll you will have access to 1,700+ participating airport lounges worldwide. If you have already enrolled, ...
持卡人可以免费进入以下 Airport Lounges(即机场的贵宾休息室): Priority Pass Select (PPS),需要自己enroll,会单独给主卡及副卡持有者寄一张 Priority Pass Select (PPS) 的卡片,可以免费带2人,需要注意AmEx卡送的PPS卡只能免费进PPS合作的机场休息室不能进PPS合作的餐厅; Centurion Lounges,持卡人可免费进入,...
持卡人会获得一张单独的 Priority Pass Select (PPS) 卡,可以在世界范围内(包括中国)的不少休息室使用,比如北京国航等航空公司的头等舱休息室。此卡赠送的PPS卡可最多免费携带2位同行者,额外人员按照$27/人收费。需要注意AmEx卡送的PPS卡只能免费进PPS合作的机场休息室不能进PPS合作的餐厅。点击这里enroll。【更...
以前持卡就送 Priority Pass Select (PPS) 卡,改版后不送了。 现有的持卡人,其PPS有效期是:2023/1/31之前注册的,2024/2/1过期;2023/1/31之后注册的,2024/10/31过期。 这个改动基本上不重要,因为常读本站的用户估计手里都有不止一张高端卡吧?PPS 通过其他高端卡获得即可。 Clear...
10个 Priority Pass 券。 此卡可以撸AmEx Offer,经常会有一些不错的商家折扣,比如 Walmart $15 返 $5,比如 Amazon $75 返 $25。 此卡可以Refer a friend:推荐此卡给朋友并且申请成功的话,每成功一个你可以得到 25k Hilton点数,上限为 80k/calendar year。
高端航空休息室:可以免费进入 Centurion Lounges, Delta Sky Clubs, Airspace Lounges,Priority Pass 附送大量高端福利(官网福利介绍):希尔顿金卡会员,可享受免费早餐;喜达屋(SPG)金卡会员,可以免费升级房型,享受高速网络;报销 Global Entry 和 TSA Pre 费用;Fine Hotel 住宿附送优惠(介绍);免费公共 ...
number of guests or do not admit guests. In some lounges, Priority Pass Select members must be 21 years of age to enter without a parent or guardian. Priority Pass Select members must adhere to all house rules of participating lounges and access to participating lounges is subject to all ...
高端航空休息室:可以免费进入 Centurion Lounges, Delta Sky Clubs, Airspace Lounges, Priority Pass 附送大量高端福利(官网福利介绍):希尔顿金卡会员,可享受免费早餐;喜达屋(SPG)金卡会员,可以免费升级房型,享受高速网络;报销 Global Entry 和 TSA Pre 费用;Fine Hotel 住宿附送优惠(介绍);免费公共...
Pass and your enrolment will be cancelled. At any visit to a Priority Pass lounge that admits guests, you will be charged the prevailing retail rate for any guests. Some lounges do not admit guests. In some lounges, Priority Pass member must be 21 years of age to enter without ...
Priority Pass Select(upon enrollment) SelectVirgin Clubhouses The rules to access these lounges will vary depending on the specific lounge you’re interested in, the airline you’re flying on, and the number of guests you want to bring into the lounge. ...