Premium Car Rental Protection 这是Amex很不错的一个福利,是一个收费保险服务,但是很便宜,需要提前注册,目前是 $19.95 cover $75,000和$24.95 cover $100,000 两个级别选项(加州和佛州稍微便宜几块)。注册不收钱,在租车用Amex卡支付时会同时扣这个钱。注册及具体详情条款页面:Car Rental Insurance Coverage – ...
1. Amex Premium Rental Protection简介 Amex Premium Rental Protection是美国运通负责保险业务的子公司Amex Assurance Company的主打产品之一,旨在租车时向Amex支付一个固定金额的保险费,来获得 primary CDW/LDW(车损险盗抢险),基本所有的运通信用卡都可以enroll。目前分$19.95和$24.95两档,具体区别请见本文第五部分。
Baggage Insurance Plan 行李损坏/丢失保险:自带行李最高赔付$1250,托运行李最高赔付$500。 Car Rental Loss & Damage Insurance:租车免费送 Secondary Coverage 车险。 Premium Car Rental Protection:租车可以以很低的价格购买 Primary Coverage 车险。 Trip Delay Insurance 行程延误保险。 Trip Cancellation and Interru...
Rent a Car with a wide fleet of vehicles near you. Car rental Dubai deals from 1300/Month, 30/Day in Dubai. Compare daily, monthly car hire offers from Amex UAE.
Rental car damage protection: The car rental coverage provided by the Business Platinum Card is secondary, which means it isn't as good as other cards that provide primary coverage. However, you have the option of purchasing very affordable premium insurance. Trip cancellation/interruption insurance...
Car rental insurance is designed to cover damage or theft while renting a car, but it can be a confusing subject. Rental agencies typically offer this kind of coverage as an upcharge at the counter, but renters may already have protections based on the credit card they use for the reservatio...
Car Rental Loss and Damage Insurance can provide coverage up to $75,000 for theft of or damage to most rental vehicles when you use your eligible Card to reserve and pay for the entire eligible vehicle rental and decline the collision damage waiver or similar option offered by the Commercial...
Rental car insurance Cons Charges an annual fee Limited benefits Read Full Review Card Highlights Paying early pays off: earn an unlimited 1.5% Early Pay Discount on eligible charges paid within 10 days of your statement closing date and see the discount applied to your next statement when you...
Amex now offers level-three line-item data, breaking down the total price into base rental fee and charges for fuel, insurance, penalties and miscellaneous items, explains Andrew Buckley, European vice president for marketing .EBSCO_bspBusiness Travel News...
Earn 7x Hilton Honors Bonus Points for eligible travel purchases: on flights booked directly with airlines or and on car rentals booked directly from select car rental companies Earn 7x Hilton Honors Bonus Points on dining at U.S. restaurants, including takeout and delivery ...