Amex EveryDay Credit Card-MR积分卡, 无年费, 必须长期持有 推荐理由:无年费,Amex 唯一的一张无年费 Membership Rewards Points 积点信用卡,必须长期持有。当你不想交年费要关掉其它 MR 信用卡的时候,至少得留一张 MR 卡才能确保 MR 点数不白白损失掉,这张无年费的 Amex EveryDay 无疑时最好的选择。 无年费。
New Cardmember Offer Earn 10,000 Membership Rewards® points when you spend £2,000 in your first three months of Cardmembership Representative Example Representative APR 30.4% APRvariable Annual Fee No annual fee Credit Limit Assumed credit limit of £1,200 ...
Welcome Offer 60,000 points UP's Bonus Valuation*:$1,200 Annual Fee$325 APRSee Pay Over Time APR Credit Recommended Good to Excellent (670-850) Why We Like This Card The American Express® Gold Card is a game-changer. With this card, you can earn 4x Membership Rewards points at rest...
2019年,通过推荐链接申请个人白金卡,并且前三个月消费满$5000,即可获得60,000 Membership Rewards Points(简称MR),价值超过$1000。如果直接在官网申请,开卡奖励为前三个月消费$5000获得50,000 MR。这个优惠随时可能更改,建议尽早申请。通过推荐链接申请商业白金卡,并且前三个月消费满$7000,可获得75,000 MR的开卡奖...
Membership Rewards Points(简称 MR) 积分奖励信用卡是 Amex 信用卡家族最著名的一个类别,这类信用卡消费所获得的奖励形式为 MR 积分(点数)。MR 积分最划算的用途就是转到航空公司兑换成航空里程,换机票。可以累积 MR 积分的个人信用卡主要有: 两张标准信用卡(Credit Card):Amex EveryDay Credit Card 和 Amex ...
If you've got spare AmEx points to burn, the PayPal option is better than nothing. But if you're a heavy PayPal user looking for a credit card that will help you get the most out of the PayPal platform, skip the Membership Rewards cards. Here are a couple of better options: NerdWalle...
Amex EveryDay Credit Card-返点卡, 无年费,可长期持有 推荐理由:无年费,可以享受 Amex Offers 福利,Amex 唯一一张无年费的 Membership Rewards Points 积点信用卡,可以长期持有。 类别:Membership Rewards Points 返点卡。 无年费。 开卡奖励:25,000 Membership Rewards Points 点数。
Remember to save your Card to online subscriptions like Spotify and Netflix to maximise the amount of points you can earn each month. See hints and tips Hints & Tips #2 Set your Card as the default payment option for online platforms like Countdown and Amazon to earn points every time you...
2019年,通过朋友的推荐链接申请个人白金卡,并且前三个月消费满$5000,即可获得60,000 Membership Rewards Points (简称MR)的开卡奖励,价值在$1000以上。如果直接在官网申请,开卡奖励只为前三个月消费$5000获得50,000 MR。 【这个offer随时会更改,趁早申请】若是朋友的推荐链接申请商业白金卡,并且前三个月消费满$700...
其他情况下,一般是出账单并还款后点数就会到账。如果 charge card 错过了 due date,那么上个账单获得的 MR 点数就会被没收。 各位可以点击available points旁边那个小圆圈查看pending points,有的话就不用担心了。没有的话再等等,核对一下账单看是否算错/算少了点数。