The Business Platinum Card® from American Express is a premium travel rewards card tailored toward business owners who are frequent travelers with a high number of annual expenses. When you factor in the large number of perks that the card offers like the best airport lounge access at over 1...
Amex Platinum and Business Platinum Lounge Access Amex Platinum Card Amex Platinum Benefits for Authorized Users Credit Cards Amex Platinum vs Delta Platinum Credit Cards Amex Platinum vs Chase Sapphire Reserve Credit Cards Capital One Venture X vs Amex Platinum ...
美国商业信用卡 Small Business Card 推荐 从福利的角度商业卡和个人的 Delta 卡差不多,所以没有持有哪一张的偏好。所以我建议从个人卡开始,先 Gold、Platinum,然后商业版本的这两张卡,把常见的四张开卡奖励都拿了,成本也就是首年年费。持有的话商业卡稍微好一丁点,可以有 AMEX Small Business ...
Unlock Platinum travel, dining privileges, and more for business and leisure worldwide with the American Express Platinum Business Card. Apply today.
The Business Platinum Card from American Express 美国运通商业白金卡简介 【2024.12 更新】这张卡新增了一个福利 $200 Hilton credit ($50 quarterly),看起来要enroll需要有一个Hilton for Businessaccount。虽然这种quarterly credit挺恶心的,但是加量不加价总是个好事。HT:美卡论坛 Eddy。
美国运通个人白金卡(American Express the Platinum Card, 以下简称个人白/AmEx Platinum),属于美国运通(American Express)公司发行的一张中高端签账卡(Charge Card)。签账卡和我们日常所说的那些“信用卡(Credit Card)”的主要区别体现在它往往具有更高的购买额度以及难以匹敌的各种贵宾权益;与之相伴的自然是高昂的年...
Platinum Cardholders who opened accounts prior to July 1, 2021, will see the new annual fee take effect on their annual renewal dates on or after Jan. 1, 2022. Business Platinum Card® from American Express Cardholders benefit, too
1. 10月25日起(offer subject to change anytime, 所以请申请时核对这个offer是否依旧有效),AmEx the Business Platinum Card(运通商业白)的推荐申请之后的开卡奖励由之前的60,000 MR提高到了75,000 MR(需要前三个月消费满$7000),这是白金卡(个人&商业)的史高开卡奖励,也是近半年来运通在加拿大所有卡片里开卡价...
直接兑换 中兑换旅行为 1c/p(无高级卡); 中兑换指定航班 1.54c/p(有 Business Platinum);1.1c/p 兑换投资账户中现金(有 Schwab Platinum)。 积分转换:1: 1 转成 ANA 里程(适合中美往返、环球票);1: 1 转 British Airways 里程(适合中日、美国...
To save time, make sure you can say yes to all of the following before applying for the Business Platinum Card®: You are a Canadian resident and have a Canadian credit file You are the age of majority in the province or territory where you live ...