AmEx Platinum 175k Offer AmEx Platinum 100k+10x吃饭 Offer 这个链接可以查看 Pre-qualify offer,最高可能看到 150k 奖励,概率很小(从来没有过AmEx卡的人看到更好offer的概率稍大些)。 这个链接也可以查看 Pre-qualify offer,最高可能看到 150k 奖励,概率很小(从来没有过AmEx卡的人看到更好offer的概率稍大...
Amex Platinum 运通白金卡是一张高端信用卡,年费 $695,但提供丰富的报销和福利,包括 80,000 点开卡奖励、航空和酒店消费高额返点、每年 $200 酒店报销、$200 航空费用报销、$200 Uber Cash、$240 数字娱乐报销等。持卡人还可享受全球 140 多个国家的 1400 多个机场休息室通行证和多项酒店、租车会员权益,是追求...
The American Express Platinum Canada comes with airport lounge access, a $200 annual travel credit, hotel memberships, and $2,000+ in points.
Membership Rewards Points(简称 MR) 积分奖励信用卡是 Amex 信用卡家族最著名的一个类别。可以累积 MR 点数的 Amex 个人信用卡有:Amex EveryDay、Amex EveryDay Preferred、Amex Green 运通绿卡、Amex Gold 运通金卡、Amex Platinum 运通白金卡(本文)。 1个人可以同时持有多张 Amex MR 点数信用卡,无论持有几张,...
Amex Platinum Travel Benefits The Platinum Card is alsoforeign transaction fee free, which is great for world travelers, but not that special in and of itself. Amex Platinum card holders also automatically receive gold status in Hilton Honors and Bonvoy (Marriott). ...
可以选择限时版 White Gold 卡面,已有用户也可以replace拿到新卡面。这个名字很令人confusing,理论上来说 AmEx Platinum 应当翻译成“铂金卡”,White Gold 才是“白金”。 新的开卡奖励在隐身模式下刷最高可以刷到 100k+$100(HT:美卡论坛 KaitingZ),截图在此。不过比较难刷到,90k+$100 稍微容易刷到一点。11.6...
Foreign Transaction Fees:None Rewards Center American Express Membership Rewards 28. Can I Get a Retention Bonus With the Amex Business Platinum Card? You might. If you’ve already opened the Amex Business Platinum card and are considering making a product change to the card, you might be able...
, unless, perhaps, you benefit from a particular category bonus such as 3X for airfare with the AMEX Premier Rewards Gold (although note you only want to use this for U.S. transactions, since a foreign transaction fee is charged, as is the case with all AMEX cards except AMEX Platinum)...
Amex Platinum Card –this card costs hundreds in annual fees, but the rewards are worth it for big spenders. Cardholders receive credit to spend on travel, hotels, concerts, and airports, and can earn points as they spend. Amex Gold Card –the first year of issue is free, and then its...
No Foreign Transaction Fees Never experience added fees when making purchases abroad using either of our featured cards. For the Amex Platinum card, seerates & fees; for the Capital One Venture X card, seerates & fees. Final Thoughts