My Account Cards Travel Insurance Rewards & Benefits BusinessContact UsLoginAll Cards American Express® Gold Rewards Card Other American Express Products: The Platinum Card® American Express® Gold Rewards Card American ExpressCobalt® Card American Express® Aeroplan®* Reserve Card American ...
You can also maximize your Amex Gold Card by using it as part of theAmex trifecta. This trio of rewards credit cards includes the Amex Platinum Card andThe Blue Business® Plus Credit Card from American Express, both of which have complementary earning structures and perks. With these three ...
信用卡的申请链接在这里(金卡)和这里(白金卡),基本信息如下: 相应的Charge Card持有人才有资格提出申请。 均没有年费。 每消费£1,可积累1点MR积分。 由于没什么额外的福利待遇,相比与Charge Card来说并没有什么拥有的必要。推荐大家申请的原因是,开卡后三个月内消费满£500可获得3000点MR积分奖励。虽然并不...
Can I transfer from the Platinum Card to The Gold Card? If I apply for the Gold Card, can I add Additional Card Members to my account? Annual Fee If I apply now, what will my annual fee be? Payment Flexibility What is Payment Flexibility? Existing Travel Benefits What is the Airli...
When it comes to cards that offer top-notch benefits, you’d be hard-pressed to find a better card out there than The Platinum Card® from American Express. Make no mistake — the Amex Platinum card is a premium card with a premium price tag. With amazing benefits like best-in-class...
具体来说,开过高年费的Platinum会影响低年费的Gold的开卡奖励,所以如果想都拿,建议先开Gold。 申卡时,AmEx可能会弹窗告知,因为你和AmEx关系不好,无法拿到此卡的开卡奖励。这种情况下就多刷刷已有的AmEx卡,尽量别关卡,等一段时间很可能就可以了,详情见《AmEx弹窗分析》。 AmEx 对 Hard Pull 数量不敏感。 信用...
000 points. To qualify for such points, you must spend $8,000 (the "Threshold Amount") or more in eligible purchases on your Platinum Card® from American Express within the first 6 months of Platinum Card® from American Express Card Membership starting from the date that your account ...
Benefits of being an Amex Platinum authorized user Amex Platinumauthorized users get access to a slew of benefits in exchange for the $195 annual authorized user fee. Those benefits include: Airport lounge access Hilton Honors and Marriott Bonvoy Gold Elite status ...
AMEX 发放一波加副卡 offer (Platinum 20k、Gold 10k) AMEX 发放了一波加副卡的 offer,需要登录查看,但貌似大家都能用。根据 Term 这个 offer 最多只能拿一次奖励。你可以添加 Gold 卡,避免副卡产生的年费。 AMEX Platinum 20k 副卡 offer AMEX Gold 卡 10k 副卡 Offer...
【2025.1.25更新】加拿大AmEx幾張卡的史高2025.1.28截止,最後三天了。個人白金目前有105k+40k開口獎勵,Cobalt有27k開卡獎勵,個人金卡有80k開口獎勵。其中個人白和個人金算是近些年史高了,Cobalt也是限制五倍每月Cap後的史高! 大家應該對美國版的AmEx MR點數非常熟悉了,本博客有MR攢點方法和MR點數使用兩篇很好的文章...