New Cardmember Offer Earn 10,000 Membership Rewards® points when you spend £2,000 in your first three months of Cardmembership Representative Example Representative APR 30.4% APRvariable Annual Fee No annual fee Credit Limit Assumed credit limit of £1,200 ...
Browse membership benefits, rewards, and offers. Find a credit card that works for your lifestyle. Explore Card Benefits Make the most of every moment. Explore all the benefits and savings you can get with an American Express membership. ...
Earn 5,000 Membership Rewards® points when you spend R10,000 in your first three months of Card Membership. Use your points as you please – from transfers to frequent flyer programmes, or paying for everyday shopping using the complementary Membership Rewards Card. ...
具体操作:从超市中找到你常去的店的 Gift Card(比如 Shell,Amazon等)或者 Visa Gift Card 等通用 gift card,用 Blue Cash Preferred 购买它们时会有 6% 的 返现 (每年有$6000的限制,超过的话只有 1% 返现),然后再拿它们去买其他东西。其他店的 Gift Card 都是等值购买;而 Visa Gift Card 购买费用是面值+...
1. AmEx Membership Rewards卡介紹 簡單的說,加拿大版現在公開發行的AmEx MR卡有6張: 個人白金,商業白金,個人金卡,商業金卡,Cobalt卡和個人綠卡。 加拿大AmEx個人白金卡 申請鏈接:加拿大AmEx個人白金卡(建議使用隱身模式打開) 【2024.10.16更新】個人白金卡目前有105k+40k開卡獎勵,前三個月消費$10,000可以獲得105kMR...
新用户的定义:过去24个月内没有拥有过Membership Rewards系列的卡,包括英国的Gold、小蓝Rewards Card、小绿卡等。如果你现在有Amex联名的BA、BAPP、Marriott之类的卡,或者Platinum Cashback,都不影响这个offer。 积分和旅行信用:自己申请是60K points,白金用户refer的是65K。新用户还有£200的travel credit,可以在amex...
Membership Rewards (MR) 点数,无境外手续费,签帐卡 Charge Card,美国运通 American Express (AmEx),金属卡,高端信用卡 Platinum Card from American Express 美国运通白金卡简介 【2023.11 更新】前一段时间虽然150k一直存在但是非常难刷到,现在有了一个链接更容易刷到。HT:美卡论坛 az8。
50k 开卡奖励:开卡3个月内消费满 $2,000 可得 50,000 Membership Rewards (MR) 点数。 此卡得到的点数为 Membership Rewards (MR),如果用来转航空里程,价值约为 1.6 cents/point 左右。因此其50k的最高开卡奖励价值约为$800!MR点数体系的更多信息见《信用卡点数价值最大化》(综述性)和 MR介绍系列文章(超详...
Membership Rewards Get ready to treat yourself. With so many ways to redeem Membership Rewards points, from the latest fashion, a weekend away and more. Service and Security We’re serious about your Card security. That’s why you’ll get the backing of our Fraud Protection and Card Purchase...
Earn Amex Membership Rewards points by booking travel Booking travel with American Express is rewarding, too — you can earn bonus points on your credit card, plus you can often get additional perks and rewards. For example, with theAmex Platinum, you’ll get 5 points per dollar spent on ho...