我之前一直不想申请这张卡,因为总觉得 Hilton 的点数不值钱,不好用。后来,趁着最高的 offer 申请了一张。原因当然是接下去有一些旅行计划,而且 AMEX Platinum Card 还附送了 Hilton 酒店集团的金会员(提供免费早餐),也促使我仔细考虑了 Hilton 酒店集团的会员计划和积分计划,最后决定申请这...
The Hilton Honors Program, including the benefits of Hilton Honors membership, are subject to Hilton Honors Terms and Conditions; see hiltonhonors.com/terms. ©2024 Hilton.Uber Cash Benefit for Eligible American Express Corporate Card Members
点击申请了解 American Express Green Card。 Amex Hilton 美国运通希尔顿酒店联名卡 Amex Hilton Honors Card-希尔顿酒店联名卡, 无年费, 可长期持有 推荐理由:无年费的希尔顿酒店联名卡,开卡送100K Hilton 酒店点数,点数可以用来入住 Hilton 旗下酒店,申卡成功送 Hilton 银卡会员。同样可以享受 Amex Offers 福利,可以...
希尔顿荣誉客会 Hilton Honors,无境外手续费,美国运通 American Express (AmEx),酒店卡 The Hilton Honors American Express Business Card希尔顿酒店商业信用卡简介 【2025.1 更新】175k 开卡奖励已过期,现在只有 130k 开卡奖励。 【2024.9 更新】175k 开卡奖励回归。截止日期 2025/01/08。
the full terms and conditions for Global Assist Hotline, Premium Global Assist Hotline and Emergency Assistance related to that Card. If your Card is not listed on this page or if you are an Additional Card Member, please call the number on the back of your Card to verify your benefits....
Hilton Surpass Card Benefits Hilton Honors Gold Status Hilton Honors Diamond Status With Spending Free Night Reward With Spending Up To $200 In Hilton Credits Annually National Emerald Club Executive Status Purchase And Extended Warranty Protection Amex Offers Is The Hilton Surpass Card Worth It? Card...
Amex Hilton Honors福利 送Hilton 鑽石會員 (Diamond Status) 返點種類多元:Hilton 希爾頓旗下酒店消費 14x、餐廳/機票/租車 7x、其他 3x 無限回饋 每年送$400美金Hilton Resort退額:每半年會以$200美金的方式給予。 Hilton Resort Credit: 即使是定fully refundable的房間,或是付的deposit (訂金),也可以觸發報銷!
最近Amex推出了一个超棒的餐饮优惠,如果你有Amex Hilton系列、Delta航空联名系列或者Amex Marriott Bonvoy Brilliant卡,一张卡最多能省$220的伙食费!持有多张卡还能叠加哦!✨具体优惠是啥?怎么用? 登录你的Amex账户,在Amex Offers & Benefits下面的Available一栏,你会看到类似图2的优惠。根据你的信用卡类型,优惠...
希尔顿荣誉客会 Hilton Honors,无境外手续费,美国运通 American Express (AmEx),高端信用卡 The Hilton Honors American Express Aspire Card 希尔顿酒店信用卡简介 【2025.1 更新】175k 开卡奖励已过期,现在只有 150k 开卡奖励。 【2024.9 更新】之前此卡的 resort credit 可用酒店,只要是Hilton官网标记属于度假村类型...
Hilton Elite Status BenefitsOne of the best benefits of the Hilton Surpass is complimentary Hilton Honors Gold Elite status for as long as you hold the card. Hilton Gold is far and away the best mid-tier hotel status to maintain, especially if you are not a frequent traveler. It takes ...