Earn 130,000 Hilton Honors Bonus Points after spending $2,000 in purchases in the first 3 months, plus$0 introductory annual feefor the first year (normally $95 annual fee).Terms apply. Offer ends 8/25/2021. The previous offer would have allowed you to earn up to 180,000 points, but...
Earn 130,000 Hilton Honors Bonus Pointsplus a Free Night Rewardafter spending $2,000 in purchases in the first 3 months. If you apply for the Surpass, pleaseuse my referral linkand then hit “View all cards with a referral offer” to get to the Surpass as it doesn’t currently have ...
The Hilton Honors American Express Card now offers 100,000 Hilton points when you spend $2,000 on purchases within the first six months of opening the card. This bonus is 20,000 points higher than the previous offer with the samespending requirements. 100,000 Hilton points are worth between ...
住Hilton 旗下酒店可以獲得 7x Points,吃飯、超市、加油 5x,其他消費 3x。 持有此卡就贈送Hilton Silver會員,每年(Calendar Year)消費 $20,000 以上送Hilton Gold會員。 無年費!這在酒店卡里是相當少見的了。 此卡可以擼AmEx Offer,經常會有一些不錯的商家折扣,比如 Walmart $15 返 $5,比如 Amazon $75 返 ...
Amex Hilton Honors Card 希尔顿酒店联名卡:Amex 有3张希尔顿酒店联名卡,可以先把这张无年费卡弄到手,等有好的 Offer 时再升级为高级年费卡。当然也可以先直接申请有年费的 Amex Hilton Surpass 或者 Amex Hilton Aspire,不想交年费的时候再降级为无年费卡。
🌟今年拿到offer的Amex卡: Amex Platinum:刷4000元得5.5万分,年费$695 Amex Gold:刷2000元得1.5万分,年费$250 Amex Gold:刷3000元得3万分,年费$250 Hilton Surpass:刷1000元得1万分Hilton积分,年费$95(现在是$150),所有消费需在三个月内达到 🌟没拿到offer的卡: Amex Delta Gold:年费$95 Amex Marriott ...
Welcome Offer Bonus:bonus_miles_fullBut seeif you're targeted via CardMatchfor a 175,000-point bonus offer with the same spending requirement first! $199 Credit for CLEAR Plus: Get up to $199 annually to cover the cost of CLEAR Plus. Just pay for your membership with your Platinum Card...
总结一些近期运通放出的返利offer: Hilton Hotels – £100 off £500,仅限美国酒店 Firmdale hotels – 15% off Avis – £25 off £175 Dunhill – £100 off £300 Farfetch – 5000 bonus points for £200 Hakassan restaurants – 4 bonus points / £1 ...
注意這個報銷和Aspire卡的resort報銷不同,這張卡的任意Hilton旗下酒店都算! 每年10個Priority Pass Select (PPS)券。這個券既可以用在持卡人身上也可以用在guest身上,反正一年總共10張。【更新:2023/10/19 起沒有了】 此卡可以擼AmEx Offer,經常會有一些不錯的商家折扣,比如 Walmart $15 返 $5,比如 Amazon...
不过,这种卡的offer价值比较低,所以还好。 总结一下,目前Amex三个系列的卡已经实行了bonus不能倒着拿的规定。但Hilton和Marriott会不会也加入这个规定还不好说。如果你有打算申请Amex卡,一定要先从低级卡开始申请。如果你已经持有Hilton Aspire卡,建议这几天把Surpass等卡片拿到,不然Hilton卡也加入的话,损失可能会...