今天美卡論壇的讀者gedeepege發現,有Reddit網友發了個截圖(原貼鏈接),顯示從2024年11月8日開始,AmEx Platinum和AmEx Gold每月發放的Uber Credit,需要通過AmEx信用卡付款才能激活使用: 目前AmEx Gold每個月贈送10刀Uber Credit,每年120刀;AmEx白金每個月贈送15刀Uber Credit,12月額外贈送20刀Credit,每年總共200刀。現在...
上面是我现在持有的卡的截图,从上到下依次是Apple Cash, 京东卡, Barclays(巴克莱) Uber卡,Chase Disney借记卡,Discover卡,中国银行卡, AmEx Blue Cash Preferred卡, AmEx Gold卡,Chase Freedom Unlimited卡, Apple Card。如果有想知道其他具体信息或者有兴趣交流的话欢迎在讨论区留言。
年费$250,不免首年年费。 此卡由曾经的 AmEx Premier Rewards Gold (PRG) 改版而来。新卡大大增强了消费攒点能力,同时年费也上涨不少。$250 的年费,每年送的钱有 $120 Uber credit 和 $120 dining credit 一共 $240,当然这些 credit 比较难用出去,实际价值大概打个五折吧。新的餐厅和超市 4x 返点大大加快...
Gold Card Benefits Whether you like to host home-cooked dinners, grab takeout through Uber Eats, or tour top restaurants around the world, the Gold Card can help you earn in style. Let’s take a look at the features that come with the Card: ...
申请美国运通金卡时,选择隐身模式,选择Gold或Rose Gold版本,如实填写个人信息。收入建议在40,000美元以上,对于中国留学生,还有5,000美元的免税额度。这张卡不仅能满足你的日常需求,也能提供安心感,如有需要,Chase Visa可以作为备用。在我们的讨论区里,你还可以分享更多关于这张卡的使用心得和经验...
The Amex Gold Card provides a robust range of credit card perks, including an annual dining credit, Uber perks and an industry-leading mobile app.
Amex Gold Card members can also receive up to $120 per year inUber Cashto use for rides or food via Uber Eats anywhere in the U.S. Uber Eats also boasts hundreds of thousands of restaurant locations on its platform. Cardholders must create an Uber account (if they don't have one alre...
To receive statement credits of up to $100 per calendar year toward incidental air travel fees, Card Member must select one qualifying airline at https://global.americanexpress.com/card-benefits/enroll/airline-fee-credit/corporate-gold. Only the Basic Card Member or Authorized Account Manager(s)...
You simply need to add this card to your Uber or Uber Eats account. $120 dining credit: $10 dining credit per months good at Grubhub, Seamless, The Cheesecake Factory, Shake & Shack, Wine.com, Milk Bar, Goldbelly. Must enroll first and pay using your new Gold card. Here‘s the link...
Amex Green, Amex Gold, Amex Platinum 的持卡人可以享受12个月免费的 Uber Eats Pass。 最晚激活时间2021年12月31日。 注册方法很简单,把你的 Amex 卡加到 Uber 账户里就可以了。打开 Uber Eats 之后应该会提醒你是否要注册这个福利,如果没有的话可以自己去 Account – Eats Pass 里面激活。