其他费用: 无国外交易费(Foreign Transaction Fee) 逾期罚款:最高 $40 Cash Advance Fee:每次收取预支金额的 5% 或 $10,取较高者 Returned Payment Fee(退回付款罚款):最高 $40 重要说明: 该卡采用 “无预设消费限额” 政策,即 No Preset Spending Limit(NPSL),就是说没有固定的信用额度,而是根据持卡人的...
Pay no foreign transaction fees Check out how your card saves you 2.5% on all your foreign currency purchases.8 Watch video: Scotiabank Gold American Express Card Online shopping Save 2.5% on all your foreign currency purchases.8 Watch the video to see how it works. Watch video Get the...
Annual fee $120/year Interest rates 20.99%on purchases 22.99%on cash advances Minimum credit limit $5,000 Each supplementary Card $29/year No foreign transaction fees You will not pay 2.5% foreign transaction fees on any foreign currency purchases, including online shopping and when travelling abr...
当然啦,现在amex非常对一年内关卡管控的很严,大家尽量不要一年内关卡。 6. No foreign Transaction fee. 7.金属卡,重量在15克左右,手感不错。 8.此卡为charge card, 原则上来说每个月必须还光所有欠款,但新改版的gold也提供了类似于其他信用卡的付minimum payment的方式。charge card申请难度很低,一般能有个6...
Amex 金卡(Amex Gold 信用卡,运通金卡)介绍,福利详细说明。运通MR系列信用卡中人气最高、性价比最好、最值得长期持有的一张卡。开卡奖励 60K MR 点数(估值$1200),吃饭4X积分,超市4X,机票3X,年费$250。$120/年 Uber Cash + $120/年吃饭报销,相当于免年费。
Resy范围是美国境内,直接去resy旗下的饭店刷AmEx Gold即可,无需用Resy预约。 No Foreign Transaction Fee (FTF)。 此卡可以撸AmEx Offer,经常会有一些不错的商家折扣,比如 Walmart $15 返 $5,比如 Amazon $75 返 $25。 此卡可以Refer a friend:推荐此卡给朋友并且申请成功的话,每成功一个你可以得到10k MR...
American Express Gold Card FAQ What is the Amex Gold Rewards Card’s spending limit? What are the benefits of the Amex Gold Rewards Card? What are the income requirements for the Amex Gold Rewards Card? What is the foreign transaction fee for the Amex Gold Rewards Card? Does the Amex Gold...
无境外交易手续费(Foreign Transaction Fee, FTF)。 旅行保险福利: Baggage Insurance Plan 行李损坏/丢失保险:自带行李最高赔付$1250,托运行李最高赔付$500。 Car Rental Loss & Damage Insurance:租车免费送 Secondary Coverage 车险。 Premium Car Rental Protection:租车可以以很低的价格购买 Primary Coverage 车险。
$0 introductory annual fee for the first year, then $95 Terms Apply Financial Snapshot Foreign Transaction Fees:2.7% of each transaction after conversion to U.S. dollars Rewards Center American Express Membership Rewards While theAmex BusinessGold card comes with a higher welcome bonus, it also ...
No Foreign Transaction Fee (FTF)。 此卡可以Refer a friend:推荐此卡给朋友并且申请成功的话,每成功一个你可以得到 10k Delta 里程,上限为 100k / calendar year。 缺点 年费$150,首年免年费。 建议申请时间 一辈子只能拿一次开卡奖励,因此一定要等到历史最高offer出现的时候再申请!