根據reddit 用戶 teetertotterboy 今天的彙報,Amex 現在僅允許每個人同時持有最多10張 charge card: Just spoke to the executive recon team at Amex after being denied for another business green card, as well as being denied multiple recon attempts. They said they』ve recently implemented a 10 ch...
从这些数据,我们还是能分析出一些内容来的: Reddit 数据点链接 关卡的分析: 单纯从数字来看,被关的大多数都是开卡很狠的。考虑到 self refer 是近半年才有,估计很多人都是近半年开卡很多。 一个例外是填写 3 张卡的,但是原因又写了多张同样的卡,让人觉得很奇怪。难道是多张 gold 刷超市?还...
American Express has a limit of one approved credit card every 5 days and two approved cards every 90 days. There’s also a maximum of 4 or 5 total American Express credit cards that you can have at a given time. Guru’s Wrap-up ...
Amex信用卡产品主要有两类,普通信用卡及签帐卡,签帐卡(Charge card)是有别于常规信用卡的,Charge卡目前主要包括Amex Platinum及各个联名版本,Amex Gold、Amex Green以及每种颜色对应的商业版本,Amex Business Platinum、Amex Business Gold、Amex Business Green。 Charge卡的特点如下: 账面上无额度限制(credit limit)...