All other purchases earn points at 1:1. Amex Gold Rewards Card Welcome Bonus Earn up to 60,000 bonus points in the first year. Each month you spend at least $1,000 using your Amex Gold Rewards Card, you’ll receive 5,000 bonus points. Try Amex Gold & Get $250 Bonus Points ...
3张签帐卡(Charge Card):Amex Green 运通绿卡, Amex Gold 运通金卡, AmexPlatinum运通白金卡 Amex Green、Gold、Platinum 3张信用卡属于签帐卡,比较容易申请,都有年费,也都是 Membership Rewards Points 积分奖励信用卡。 American Express Gold 美国运通金卡-年费$250, 推荐长期持有 推荐理由:Amex 金卡,史高开卡奖...
最简单的就是1:100兑换adidas,Home depot和Apple gift cards, 10000points可以直接兑换100美元。不用研究航空里程,简单方便。 申请链接: AmEx Gold卡的申请链接:AmEx Gold, (最好用Chrome的隐身模式打开,这样一定会是最高的开卡奖励)点开应该是下面这个界面, 然后选择Gold卡(个人建议Rose Gold的卡面,更好看一点)...
Get points on all your spend You get 1 Membership Reward point for every £1 you spend plus get up to 12,500 bonus points a year. Then use your points to offset virtually anything you’ve bought on your Card, or redeem with a range of shopping, travel and lifestyle partners. ...
此卡是Amex EveryDay Creidt Card的升级年费卡。如果你手里的信用卡接近10张,那么这张卡没必要申请了,唯一值得入手的理由就是 30K 的开卡点数奖励。建议持有Amex 金卡(American Express Gold Card)更好一些。 类别:Membership Rewards Points 返点卡。 年费:$95,首年年费不免。
【2022.9更新】Edge卡目前有55k+10k+12k MR開卡獎勵:開卡三個月內消費$5000給55k MR,Business Essential類消費(吃飯,外賣,電子產品,辦公用品,計程車等都算)前1000刀可以拿到10倍點數合計10k MR,第一年每個月刷滿$3000給1000 Bonus,合計12k MR。 年費$99第一年不免,副卡免費。
In addition to using your American Express Gold Card tomaximize rewardsin bonus categories, you should also strive to use it forlarger purchasesthat require some protection or would be costly to replace. For example, you could use the card to pay for home appliances, updated electronics, a com...
Welcome bonus Earn 100,000 Membership Rewards® points after you spend $15,000 on eligible purchases with the Business Gold Card within the first 3 months of Card Membership.*.* American Express typically limits card members to earning anintro bonusonce per lifetime per card. If you currently...
Earn up to$750* in valuein the first 12 months, including up to40,000 bonusScene+ points.1 Is this Credit Card right for you? Right for you if you: Want to obtain a convenient and secure payment method for everyday purchases
但當然如果要保險起見,也可以自己先進行測試看副卡的2k消費是否能合併在開卡禮qualifying purchases中,確定150,000點MR都有入帳最放心。Amex welcome bonus入帳得很快,只要一達成消費條件,通常2週內就能看到帳上有/或是pending 的bonus 150,000點了。 Q:如果申請沒有SSN的副卡,後續有什麼注意事項?