The Amex EveryDay® Credit Card from American Express Credit Card 25K Offer Highlights: Earn 25,000 (instead of the usual 10,000) bonus membership reward points after you make $2,000 in purchases in the first three months 0% intro APR on purchases and balance transfers for 15 months Use...
4. 180,000 Membership Rewards Bonus Points:Offer only available to new American Express Card Members who are existing American Express Merchants who apply by 11 February 2025, are approved and spend $5,000 on eligible purchases on their new American Express®Business Gold Plus Card in ...
Speaking of the Amex Gold, if that's the card your friend is approved for through this referral offer, they could earn a welcome bonus plus 20% back in statement credits after they use their card at restaurants, up to $50 in three months. Terms apply. Eligible Amex business cards partici...
VS 里程来源也丰富,目前 Amex MR/Chase UR/Citi TYP 都可以直接转点,时不时还有转点 bonus offer。 兑换ANA 两舱 曾经VS 换 ANA 只能换往返,但是21年初 VS 也开始允许兑换 ANA 单程,这是一大利好。 以下是 VS 兑换 NH 的表格,这个表格是按往返显示的,单程只需要一半:美国西部-日本单程两舱仅需 45k/55k ...
之前我已经加过两张副卡(GOLD,无需年费),拿到了 10k 加副卡奖励。这一轮又发了一次 Offer 给我,内容完全一样,就是截止日期变成新的了。不知道是不是可以再撸 20k。 从邮件链接进去,需要登录。之后看到加副卡界面,不过没提到加副卡给积分 ...
【2022.9更新】Edge卡目前有55k+10k+12k MR開卡獎勵:開卡三個月內消費$5000給55k MR,Business Essential類消費(吃飯,外賣,電子產品,辦公用品,計程車等都算)前1000刀可以拿到10倍點數合計10k MR,第一年每個月刷滿$3000給1000 Bonus,合計12k MR。 年費$99第一年不免,副卡免費。
Amex Green、Gold、Platinum 3张信用卡属于签帐卡,比较容易申请,都有年费,也都是 Membership Rewards Points 积分奖励信用卡。 American Express Gold 美国运通金卡-年费$250, 推荐长期持有 推荐理由:Amex 金卡,史高开卡奖励 90K MR点数。虽然年费$250,但是每年送$120 Uber Cash 和 $120 吃饭报销(可以每个月免费吃...
Special Offer Earn up to $750* in value in the first 12 months, including up to 40,000 bonus Scene+ points.1 Offer detail Is this Credit Card right for you? Right for you if you: Want to obtain a convenient and secure payment method for everyday purchases Interested in building ...
最简单的就是1:100兑换adidas,Home depot和Apple gift cards, 10000points可以直接兑换100美元。不用研究航空里程,简单方便。 申请链接: AmEx Gold卡的申请链接:AmEx Gold, (最好用Chrome的隐身模式打开,这样一定会是最高的开卡奖励)点开应该是下面这个界面, 然后选择Gold卡(个人建议Rose Gold的卡面,更好看一点)...
American Express® Business Gold Card could be a points-earning bonanza for the right high-spending entrepreneur, with rewards categories automatically tailored to company expenses. But there are other business cards that offer bonus rewards categories or even customization for lower annual fees. Terms...