上面是我现在持有的卡的截图,从上到下依次是Apple Cash, 京东卡, Barclays(巴克莱) Uber卡,Chase Disney借记卡,Discover卡,中国银行卡, AmEx Blue Cash Preferred卡, AmEx Gold卡,Chase Freedom Unlimited卡, Apple Card。如果有想知道其他具体信息或者有兴趣交流的话欢迎在讨论区留言。
AMEX Blue Cash Preferred 信用卡 超市、流媒体 6% 返现!新增每年 $84 报销! 开卡奖励:$300(开卡六个月消费 $3000) 消费返点:超市 6%($6000 封顶);流媒体 6%;交通、加油 3%;其他 1% 返点兑换:可直接兑现;偶有打折礼品卡兑换 ...
Im asking because I recently got approved for the Blue Cash Everday card and I'd like to eventually close my Credit One AMEX (5% variant) and get the Blue Cash Preferred card, while keeping the BCE card. I'd like to have both and wonder if I'm looking at 1 year or 2-3+ before...
Visa Credit CardInterchange Rates Visa Infinite (Spend Qualified) 2.30% + $0.10 Visa Infinite (Spend Not Qualified) 1.90% + $0.10 Visa Signature Preferred 2.10% + $0.10 Visa Signature 1.65% + $0.10 Traditional Rewards and All Other Products 1.51% + $0.10 Effective Credit Card Processing Rate...
Visa Credit CardInterchange Rates Visa Infinite (Spend Qualified) 2.30% + $0.10 Visa Infinite (Spend Not Qualified) 1.90% + $0.10 Visa Signature Preferred 2.10% + $0.10 Visa Signature 1.65% + $0.10 Traditional Rewards and All Other Products 1.51% + $0.10 Effective Credit Card Processing Rate...
我的Amex 信用卡Referral Link,並在瀏覽器使用隱身模式/無痕模式可以看到AE白金卡125,000點、金卡90,000點開卡禮、Blue Cash Preferred $400開卡禮: Amex MR, 酒店集團信用卡Referral Links 1.https://americanexpress.com/en-us/referral/bluebusinessplus-credit-card?ref=LIYUNCyFCq&XLINK=MYCP ...
MR 可以 1:1 转换为航空里程,可以用出 1.6 cents/point的价值!推荐兑换全日空ANA、加拿大航空AC、英国航空BA、达美航空DL、新加坡航空SQ、法荷航空Flying Blue、维珍航空VS等 也可以按 1 cent/point 订机票、酒店,兑换礼品卡、各类网店消费等。 如果你持有 AmEx Platinum for Schwab 这张信用卡,可以把 MR 点数...
本篇文章的重点就是来介绍比较实用的两张American Express卡(美国运通,下面简写为运通卡或者AmEx卡): AmEx Blue Cash Everyday (BCE)(无年费)信用卡和AmEx Blue Cash Preferred (BCP)信用卡。 申请条件: 必需的是:信用记录的时长 - 至少三个月 最好是有SSN或者ITIN,如果没有的话也可以申请,详见第4条。