AA GC:基本没啥好办法,能报销的都是官方确认的。 Alaska Airline:小于 $100 的机票获取报销,但是很不稳定。AS 如果 24 小时内退票,会退到信用卡,24 小时之后会退到 wallet,可以供一年内使用这个 credit。但是可能会根据你不同的会员等级,收取不同的退票费用。总之建议还是不要选 AS 试...
之前传说Aspire卡要涨年费的传言很幸运的并没有在2023年1月真的成真。现在美卡论坛 rico收到了一个有关Aspire卡的调查问卷,看起来AmEx确实是想对这张卡涨涨年费&作些改动,于是继续更新在这篇文章里吧。 年费上涨这一点其实比较无悬念。最令人吃惊的是,里面提出的改版方案是:Hilton credit 和 Airlin...
2016.8.21 update: 根据更多的 DP 显示,这次事件中,Amex 在计算开卡任务时,会扣掉 vgc 的金额,甚至连 airline credit $200都会给扣掉,在这之后如果消费要求不达标的人就会被收回 100k 的开卡奖励点数! 其实根据 terms,购买 visa gift card 等现金等值物本身就不该被算进开卡消费之中,只是以前 Amex 从来没有查...
“You already received a credit from the merchant. We discovered that while we issued you a credit under our Airline Fee Credit, you also received a credit from the merchant for the same charges. To correct this error, we have charged your account for the amount identified above to offset ...
In 2021, the carrier had reported a massive data breach affecting 4.5 million customers which rendered vulnerable their sensitive information like credit card details. This occurred because the airline’s passenger system, managed by IT solutions provider SITA, was compromised in a cyber-security attac...
來源: https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/gc5yh0/amex_is_clawing_back_2_years_worth_of_airline/ 不過這個數據點還是有點奇怪的,就是當年買航空GC的人數眾多,恐怕當年90%的人都是這麼擼報銷的(畢竟這個報銷限制太多太難用),甚至英文世界流量最大的信用卡博客TPG都明文宣傳過這個(其實並不...
Which new AMEX Platinum benefits are you hoping for: Increased airline credit? Make the airline credit a general travel credit, like the Sapphire Reserve? Improve lounge benefits? Add travel delay/trip interruption benefits? Others? Related Posts ...
A 150K AMEX Business Platinum may be available by calling in, if you've never had an AMEX card. ThisReddit commenterreports calling the AMEX Business card application line, 800-519-6736 until he found a representative who found the AMEX Business Platinum 150,000 bonus points offer: ...
American Express has a limit of one approved credit card every 5 days and two approved cards every 90 days. There’s also a maximum of 4 or 5 total American Express credit cards that you can have at a given time. Guru’s Wrap-up ...
直接给你一定数额的 statement credit 或者 MR points 在一段时间内消费多少金额,然后再给你多少 statement credit 或者 MR 点数 如果有多个选项,请一定在都听完之后再做决定。我们见过最好的例子是有人在 Amex Platinum 卡上要到 50k MR 点数的 retention offer,这个数量都快赶上开卡奖励了。