OECD471细菌回复突变试验(AMES试验)主要用于评估化学物质对细菌的遗传毒性。它的特点主要有以下几点: 1. 利用细菌突变体筛选法:AMES试验利用细菌突变体(如Salmonella typhimurium和Escherichia coli)来筛选化学物质是否能引起基因突变。这些突变体在某些缺陷基因上具有突变,使其对特定物质敏感。
Creative Bioarray provides Bacterial Reverse Mutation Test (Ames test, OECD 471) using 7Salmonella typhimurium strains and 2 Escherichia coli strains to assess the mutagenic potential of test articles. This assay is available under either Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) or Non-GLP conditions. Point ...
东莞OECD471细菌回复突变试验 AMES 所在地 广东 广州市越秀区 先烈中路100大院66栋大楼 联系电话 13570921238 手机 13570921238 业务部经理、工程师 冯小清请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多 请卖家联系我 详细介绍 OECD406皮肤致敏试验是一种常用于评估化学物质对皮肤致敏性的化学试验方法,其名称来源于经济合作与发展组织(Organ...
根据OECD 471指南,应同时进行菌种特异性阳性对照。在S9存在的情况下,已知具有诱变作用的两种N-亚硝胺也应作为阳性对照。可用的N-亚硝胺阳性对照包括:NDMA、1-环戊基-4-亚硝基哌嗪、NDSRI。 关于Ames测定的所有其他建议均应遵循OECD 471指南 需要指出的是,如果在标准的Ames试验中产生了阳性结果,则没有必要使用增强...
产品名称:AMES Test Service - Plate Incorporation Assay, OECD471 产品型号:SSA-O471 产品展商:XENOMETRIX 产品文档:无相关文档 简单介绍 AMES Test Service - Plate Incorporation Assay, OECD471 Art. No.: SSA-O471 Unit Service Analytics 1 - X Compounds ...
汇智泰康针对微量波动Ames试验(Mini-Ames),开发出一套包含整个实验主要试剂的试剂盒——微量波动Ames试验(Mini-Ames)试剂盒,试剂盒以微型96孔板形式进行OECD 471中所述的Ames细菌突变测试,试剂盒适用于非GLP遗传毒性评估,可在测试化合物有限的情况下进行预筛选。
OECD, "OECD Guidelines for the testing of chemicals. TG. N. 471 Bacterial reverse mutation test", 1997.Pillco A, de la Peña E (2014) Bacterial reverse mutation test: why, when and how to use. In: Sierra LM, Gaivao I (eds) Genotoxicity and DNA repair: a practical approach. ...
产品名称:AMES Test Service Analytics - Treat and Wash, OECD471(2) 产品型号:SSA-O471TW 产品展商:XENOMETRIX 产品文档:无相关文档 简单介绍 AMES Test Service Analytics - Treat and Wash, OECD471 Art. No.: SSA-O471TW Unit Service Analytics for 1 - X Compounds ...
471 of the OECD to address the analysis of mixtures and the scientific evidence derived from the Ames Test in recent years. Finally, the study of the genotoxicity of medicinal plants is extremely important, since they are widely used in traditional medicine and as a raw material for the ...
Ames Test Kits in Liquid Microplate Format with 5 Strains - Ames MPF Penta 1, Penta 2 Ames Test Kits in Liquid Microplate Format with 2 Strains - Ames MPF 98/100, Ames II Ames Test Kits on Agar Plates OECD TG471 Ames MPF 98/100 Aqua for water samples, soils, sediments, other environ...