Ames Historical Society Ames Main Street Cultural District Ames Mary Greeley Medical Center Ames Parks and Recreation Ames Public Library Botanical Gardens Community Calendar CyRide Public Transportation Heartland Senior Services Iowa House Bed and Breakfast Inn ...
您可以前往布鲁克斯国家农场(Brookside Park)或伊奥瓦州立公园(Iowa State Park)进行一次愉快的户外活动,如远足、野餐和钓鱼。如果您对历史感兴趣,不妨参观布兰德特纪念馆(Brantner Memorial Museum)或安姆斯历史博物馆(Ames Historical Society Museum),了解这座城市的过去和发展历程。 无论您是来安姆斯旅游还是出差,...
AMES was originated in 2006 at Iowa State University (ISU) by Prof. Leigh Tesfatsion and her students. It evolved through several versions with funding from the National Science Foundation, the ISU Electric Power Research Center, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Electricity (OE)...
Cindy Yu; Iowa State University presented by: Shujing Wang, Tongji University Discussant: Si Cheng, Syracuse University Session 50: S4-2:Corporate Finance IIIJuly 1, 2023 10:30 to 12:00Location: B331 Building LiHua Session Chair: Bochuan Dai, Tsinghua University Session type: contributed ...
您可以前往布鲁克斯国家农场(Brookside Park)或伊奥瓦州立公园(Iowa State Park)进行一次愉快的户外活动,如远足、野餐和钓鱼。如果您对历史感兴趣,不妨参观布兰德特纪念馆(Brantner Memorial Museum)或安姆斯历史博物馆(Ames Historical Society Museum),了解这座城市的过去和发展历程。 无论您是来安姆斯旅游还是出差,...
您可以前往布鲁克斯国家农场(Brookside Park)或伊奥瓦州立公园(Iowa State Park)进行一次愉快的户外活动,如远足、野餐和钓鱼。如果您对历史感兴趣,不妨参观布兰德特纪念馆(Brantner Memorial Museum)或安姆斯历史博物馆(Ames Historical Society Museum),了解这座城市的过去和发展历程。