Americium(Am, atomic number 95 in group 9 of the periodic table of elements, standard atomic weight 243, density 13.67 g/cm3, most common oxidation number +3) is a silver-white, crystalline transuranic actinide. Am is a man-made metal produced from uranium or plutonium by neutron absorption...
a chart that shows how the chemical elements are related to each other. The first element in that row is actinium, which explains the name actinide. The term transuranium means "beyond uranium" on the periodic table.Uraniumhas an atomic number of 92. Any element with an atomic number larger...
lifes (432.2 years and 7,370 years, respectively), and are alpha-ray and gamma-ray emitters used as radiation sources in research, radiography, and smoke alarms. Atomic number 95; melting point 1176°C; boiling point 2011°C; specific gravity 12; valence 3, 4, 5, 6. SeePeriodic Table....
Oct. Cesium-137, Cobalt-60, andAmericium-241are considered to be the most likely materials for use in a dirty bomb due to their availability and their relative ease of handling. ... Americium - Periodic Table of Videos 17 related questions found Which is the rarest element on the Earth?
Location of Americium in the Periodic Table Properties and Characteristics of Americium General Properties Relative atomic mass243[1] Atomic mass243 amu[1] Molar mass243.061 g/mol[5, 6] Physical Properties ColorSilvery-white[1, 7] Melting point/freezing point1176 °C, 2149 °F[1] ...
Americium - Periodic Table of Videos 39 related questions found What is curium named after? Curium is named in honour ofPierre and Marie Curie, who pioneered the study of radioactivity in the final days of the 19th century. Nineteen radioisotopes of curium are known to exist, the first of wh...
Investigations of chemical and physical properties of very heavy elements have, among other goals, the aim of determining whether the regularities of the Periodic Table of Elements are maintained up through the heaviest elements or whether they are disturbed by relativistic effects, that is, by ...
Finding Molar Mass Read our article on how tocalculate molar mass. This molar mass calculator will find the molar mass of a compound and show a step-by-step solution including all calculations to get the answer. You can also ask for help in ourchatorforums....
概要 元素周期表 事实 用途 物理 化学 原子 机械 磁性 热 所有 元素周期表 符号 上午 普 组 不可用 0 18 期 7 7 木块 F座 F座 家庭元素 锕系元素 锕系元素 CAS号码 7440359 99+ 7440075 99+ 航天集团名称 P63 / MMC P121 / M1 航天集团号码 194.00 5 11.00 13 ...
Americium is a transuranic radioactive chemical element located in the periodic table below the lanthanide element europium, and thus by analogy named after another continent, America. Americium was discovered in 1944 by the group of Glenn T. Seaborg. They produced americium by bombarding plutonium ...