Americans' Views on Immigration Policy Public Sector NPR/Ipsos poll: Majority of Americans oppose separating families at the border; Path to citizenship for DREAMers has broad support 15 July 2018 Immigration Crime, Justice, Police Politics Download ...
Jones, Jeffrey M
Smith, Diane
Political affiliation (along with news consumption) is the single biggest driver of sentiments – and differing views – on immigration; more so than race/ethnicity, a respondent’s own immigration status, or any other demographic criteria. 3. Last year, most Americans favored restricting immigration...
DACA extends across party lines and demographic groups: a large majority of Republicans, as well as almost all Democrats, favor allowing immigrants brought into the U.S. illegally as children to stay. These views have been consistent for years, and differ from views on immigration more generally...
Trump sworn in as president on Inauguration D... What to know about Trump's Day 1 executive ac... Cities brace for immigration crackdown under ... Biden grants pardons to family, Trump critics... South gears up for rare winter storm Three Israeli hostages released by Hamas Inauguration fall...
New Barna data shows that the public sentiment has shifted, in some ways radically, toward a softer view on a number of key immigration issues since 2016.
European American immigrants began to decline in number from the early decades of this century. Because of its immigration history, the Euro-American population was overrepresented in 1980 among the age categories of old (65 to 74 years) and old–old (75years and older;Lee, 1986). For these...
Thus, Asian Americans of all political stripes would do well to pay close attention to highly restrictive immigration legislative attempts and voice their concerns on behalf of our families and communities. For anti-immigration advocates like Cotton and Perdue, Asian Americans,the fastest growing racial...
I am not against immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who is seeking a better life by coming to America. In fact, our country's population is almost entirely comprised of descendants of immigrants; however, there are a few things that those who have recently come to our cou...