Freed Americans Siamak Namazi, Morad Tahbaz and Emad Shargi as well as two returnees whose names have not yet been released by the U.S. government who were released in a prisoner swap deal between U.S and Iran arrive at Davison Army Airfield at Fort Belvoir, Va., Sept. 19, ...
The Hekmati reunion was one of several set to play out Monday for the freed prisoners. An American released separate to the prisoner swap — Matthew Trevithick — was already home in Boston,according to the Boston Globe. Rezaian — who left Iran with his wife and mother — was expected to ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — Americans detained for years in Iran arrived home Tuesday, tearfully hugged their loved ones and declared “Freedom!” after being let go as part of a politically risky deal that saw President Joe Biden agree to the release of nearly $6 billion ...
Americans freed from Iran prison begin trek homeBRIAN MURPHYSAEED ALNAHDY
"Iran has behaved unconscionably throughout this case, but never more so than with this indefensible decision by a Revolutionary Court to convict an innocent journalist of serious crimes after a proceeding that unfolded in secret, with no evidence whatsoever of any wrongdoing,"he said in ...
The exchange also didn't cover Siamak Namazi, an Iranian-American businessman who advocated better ties between Iran and the U.S. He was reportedly arrested in October. According to the official IRNA news agency, the seven freed Iranians are Nader Modanloo, Bahram Mekanik, Khosrow Afghahi, ...
Before the release, some Republicans criticized the visit. “This is terrible timing,” said Elliott Abrams, who served as special envoy to Venezuela and Iran during the first Trump administration. “A meeting with Maduro will be used by him to legitimize his rule and show that the ...
Five U.S. citizens detained by Iran were freed Monday in a high-stakes, complex diplomatic deal brokered between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Biden administration that included thetransfer of $6 billion in unfrozen Iranian oil assetsand the release of five Iranians facing charges in ...
WHO: A/H1N1 virus could mutate China urban property prices down 1.1% American journalist freed in Iran Photo GalleryMemorial: Changes in the earthquake-stricken area Contact CCTV Help Get the Channel Advertise Job CCTV: Español Français © 2005 China Central Television. All Rights ...
Freed American: 'I feel alive for the first time' 02:56 Kerry: No connection between nuclear deal and releases 02:18 Prisoners released from Iran arrive in Germany 02:06 Obama: Americans are coming home from Iran 02:32 Freed U.S. prisoner's wife speaks on release 02:07 ...