UNITED StatesTRANSPARENCY in governmentGOVERNMENT accountabilityVIOLENCE against Black peoplePOLICEPOLICE brutalityJournal of African American Studies -doi:10.1007/s12111-018-9396-6MortonDonald R.Springer USJournal of African American Studies
So I urged them to work with us in Congress to finish the job of reforming our financial system to bring transparency and accountability to the financial markets; to ensure that the failure of one bank or financial institution won't spread throughout the entire system, and to help protect co...
Oligarchy widens inequality. One of the great perils of oligarchy is that it systematically furthers inequality. When wealth and power are concentrated in a small handful, the gulf between the elite and everyone else grows. OpenEd CUNY argues this dynamic can engender conditions for social unrest,...
that certain media outlets have, at times, presented distorted narratives that support interventionist policies. Simultaneously, there are concerns over the lack of transparency and accountability in military operations, exemplified by the critiques of media representation in movie reviews and book ...
The physical proximity to corporate supporters of such projects should also allow for greater transparency and accountability. When companies purchase carbon offsets that are locally generated and bring additional benefits to their host communities, they bolster theirsocial license to operatewhile making pr...
contending that significant aid to Israel may not align with the broader interests and values of the American people. Many citizens are also questioning the substantial financial aid provided to Israel, drawn from U.S. taxpayer money, leading to heightened scrutiny and calls for transparency in how...
Community leaders and the elected officials are calling for increased accountability, transparency and outreach in culturally appropriate ways by law enforcement and prosecutors to address racially motivated attacks. DAILY NEWSLETTER All the news you need to know, every day By clicking Sign Up, I confi...
Stop the privatization of our public education system:All schools should be accountable to the communities where they’re based. That’s why Elizabeth supports the NAACP resolution for greater accountability and transparency of charter schools, a moratorium on federal funds toward the expansion of char...
The Fed has gone out of its way to foster the impression that its middle name is transparency. For example, on April 23 of last year it issueda press releasewhich said: “Building on its strong record of transparency and accountability around financial reporting and the policymak...
"That transparency and accountability is vital in an institution like guardianship." Most Americans who wind up in a guardianship are suffering from medical problems that could impair their decision-making ability, Harris and Sugar said. These include young adults with developmental or intellectual ...