In Italy, Houses Are Sold for a Dollar to Americans Seeking a New Life After the Presidential Elections In response to Donald Trump's recent re-election as President of the United States, the picturesque Italian town of Ollolai, located on the island of Sardinia, has launched an initiative ai...
“Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is barbaric, and I am categorically against it,” Arkady Volozh said in a statement published on Thursday. “I am horrified about the fate of people in Ukraine – many of them my personal friends and relatives – whose houses are being bombed every day.” ...
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(also featured in this edition) in buying out companies. He founded Capital Equity in 1995, which remains one of the largest private companies in the United States. Headquartered in Los Angeles, CA, the company has offices in New York, Boston, London, and Singapore. Its in-house business ...
The Muslim children started calling me a Chetnik and telling me that I didn't belong in their country, but, I loved the country very much, and so did my family. We were forced to leave maybe one year after the "U's" started appearing on our houses. I only had one cousin and his...
Libreria Acqua Alta, Venice, Italy This bookstore features classic volumes of American and Italian books packed in traditional Venetian boats. But the show-stopping attraction is the back of the bookstore, which opens up to a beautiful canal. The bookstore is also famous for its wide-ranging ...
Get ready to soak in the scent of cinnamon as it drifts through cozy cobblestone alleys and fairy-lighted historic old houses. Usually located in city centers, Christmas markets bring families and friends together over sweet and savory delicacies like bratwurst, gingerbread Lebkuchen and ...
The Chicago native spent much of last year’s lockdown drooling over homes for sale in Italy. But instead of being content with drooling, he and wife Aida went one step further – and bought a house, sight unseen. And, he says, buying a property remotely was far more sensible than ...
“I mean, you know the stereotype – the US does it bigger for everything – cars, houses, everything is bigger, servings in restaurants…etc. I think it might be a little bit of that,” says Kavouras – adding the same applies for the “the water carry containers that Americans carry...
Additionally, five yellow zone clusters in the New York City boroughs of Manhattan and Queens will be lifted on March 22, the governor said on Wednesday, allowing for restrictions on social gatherings and houses of worship to be loosened. Cuomo, who received his Covid-19 vaccine today at a ...