These numbers are for those planes flown by American pilots. 1. North American P-51 Mustang A pair of P-51 Mustangs (Image source: Wikimedia Common) The US used a lot of fighter planes in WW2, but nothing was as famous and deadly as the North American Aviation P-51 Mustang. Often ...
With popular production by PAC in New Zealand as utility and ag planes, the design has endured for more than 40 years and influenced several of PAC's other models. Model 1 c.1947 = 4pChwM. POP: 1 [NX1427x]. Navion 1953 = 4pClwM rg; 225hp Continental O-470; specs similar to ...
“Jenny” biplanes, was the first use of US Army (now Air Force) airplanes in a U.S. military campaign. Their Columbus-based operation was, in effect, the birth of what later became the United States Air Force – and, later with the development of rotary wing aircraft (helicopters), ...
Masters of mass production, Americans began retooling to become masters of mass destruction. Manufacturers were working night and day turning radios into radar and Fords into fighter planes. General Motors would take a detour on the road to the world of tomorrow to supply our fighting men. After...
At the end of the two weeks, Jim and I had accomplished the hand-off of the CIA project. I headed home in the GTO, tripping into Tombstone and the US Army fort at Apache Pass. I wandered to the Salton Sea, stopped at Chino to see Planes of Fame and the legendary Chris Fahey, who...
There was an art to finding hidden positions in aerial photographs, or for human agents to locate positions on the ground. About the only tool for locating artillery the allies had on D Day were aerial observers, artillery officers flying planes. The Senior British Artillery Officer in the Seco...
than the fact that they were praying. You are addressing irrational fear- when in this particular case there seems to be enough to warrant security taking preventive action. It's not like muslims are taken off planes everyday despite the fact that muslims fly every single day on US airlines...
Airbus, Boeing to Share Order; to Make 460 Planes for American Airlines
Douglas O-38E of the Haitian Guard Aviation Corps. Another unusual aircraft usually thought of as only an obsolete trainer by the Second World War, was the Douglas O-38E. Although a fair number of these 1933 vintage observation biplanes survived as trainer and target tugs in US service, the...
German Christians in WWII rather chose to get shot down in their planes than to kill. I am sorry for all who got killed for wrong reasons but this is just not right. GetYourOwnDeliverancesaid this onJune 10, 2009 at 1:44 pm|Reply ...